The Official Movie Thread

So apparently The Dark Knight is now rated as the 3rd best movie of all time on IMDb, only surpassed by The Godfather and The Shawshank Redemption. It will probably fall eventually, like all new releases do, but still #3 is pretty fucking high.
its fucking amazing. I dont think theres any movies coming out that would compete at it for Oscars. Heath was seriously amazing in that role.
Every big new film gets really high in the IMDB charts, it all sorts itself out soon enough.

pretty sure an entry at 3rd is unprecedented, the best films of last year didn't enter anywhere near that high

in fact wall-e's entry at 6th was also unprecedented as far as i'm aware

shawshank redemption being 2nd basically proves the stupidity of that list anyway

edit: check out this list lol
To and from Turkey I saw two of the worst films I've ever bothered to watch all the way through. First was National Treasure: Book of Secrets (i can't remember if that's the exact title, but it sounds close enough.) Not worthy of proper commenting, it's just shit. Then on the way back I saw The Golden Compass. The dialogue was just so crap it made me want to jump off the plane. The rest was rubbish too. Gah, I hate plane movies.
Yeah, both of those were really bad and I even liked the first National Treasure movie.

I saw American History X last night. Really good movie.
All this talk of The Dark Knight is annoying. I wanna see it like everyone else, but there are no cinemas where I live. Stupid primitive fucking laestadian community of foolish fools.

Shawshank is good but not #2 material, but then I don't consider The Godfather #1 material either.

Just saw Sukiyaki Western Django, I really liked it.

Yeah, it's an interesting movie.
Meh ranking movies is tricky business, and I'd have to say their list is pretty solid, and while I might not like a few movies here or there, and my list would be much different, the majority of the films on the list are really good.

It's really difficult to compare films, like how do you compare Citizen Kane and The Evil Dead, both influential movies, but very very different. It'd be easy to say Citizen Kane is superior, and technically speaking it probably is, but they're both fucking great films in my opinion and I wouldn't rank them against each other, they're too different.

But if you're gonna have a top 250 list, The Godfather is not a bad choice at all for #1, although I personally would probably put Seven Samurai up there instead, but thats just me.
I saw the second Hellboy last weekend and it was not really that great. oh well