The Official Movie Thread

I liked the magic part but I don't understand why so much of the movie was WWII. It didn't even tie into the magic part. There was no point.
I liked the magic part but I don't understand why so much of the movie was WWII. It didn't even tie into the magic part. There was no point.

If it wasn't for the war stuff, this film would've been another stupid fantasy movie. It was advertised as a fantasy movie, but really it's a war movie, and the fantasy aspect in an interesting twist on the genre, and it showed how kids deal with war and use their imagination to cope with the harshness of reality.

And they do tie together, not directly, but you see the themes of the movie exemplified by the fantasy world

The whole time the Captain who is the antagonist of the story preaches blind obedience and following orders. Ofelia is the opposite of this, and she rarely follows directions. Sometimes it gets her in trouble, like when she eats the food and the monster chases after her, but more often than not, going by her own intuition saves her, like when she doesn't listen to the faeries, and when she chooses not to kill her brother.

I don't really think it's overrated, no one's been saying that it's one of the greatest movies ever made, but it's a good fucking movie.
Oh I get it. Still, if it was kept fantasy and such it would've been more entertaining imo. I never liked war movies. I was annoyed because on the dvd it said nothing about war whatsoever.
Im sorry but Hayao Miyazuki made like 12 movies before that which is basically the same theme as Pan's Labyrinth and that mofo gets no respect. Its honestly at best a 3star movie and people need to get off Del Toro's nuts, hes an average director and hasnt done a good movie yet imho
Yeah, true.

edit: @ Ninja. When I watch movies I'm not looking for some deep meaning, I'm looking for some entertainment.

Can anyone recommend me some good dark fantasy?
Im sorry but Hayao Miyazuki made like 12 movies before that which is basically the same theme as Pan's Labyrinth and that mofo gets no respect. Its honestly at best a 3star movie and people need to get off Del Toro's nuts, hes an average director and hasnt done a good movie yet imho

Miyazaki gets shit loads of respect, and I love his films, but honestly they're not the same as Pan's Labyrinth. Similar in themes maybe, but it also focuses much more heavily on the fantasy/imagination and doesn't depict war in the same gritty realism that Pan's Labyrinth does. Sure Pan's Labyrinth is no ground breaking film, but it's well made, well executed, and way better than lots of the other generic crap out there.

Del Toro isn't a great director, but he's most definitely above average.
Can anyone recommend me some good dark fantasy?

City of Lost Children is a good entertaining R Rated French fantasy film. You might also want to check out Return to Oz, it's a kid's movie, but it gave plenty of kids (me included) nightmares.
Miyazaki gets shit loads of respect, and I love his films, but honestly they're not the same as Pan's Labyrinth. Similar in themes maybe, but it also focuses much more heavily on the fantasy/imagination and doesn't depict war in the same gritty realism that Pan's Labyrinth does. Sure Pan's Labyrinth is no ground breaking film, but it's well made, well executed, and way better than lots of the other generic crap out there.

Del Toro isn't a great director, but he's most definitely above average.

The war is basically the same in any Hayao story. Kid has a shitty new thing so they escape it with an alternate reality. I should say maybe his technique is good, I honestly dont judge a movie at all based on cinematography, but he has yet to do a good movie, all ok movies.
The war is basically the same in any Hayao story. Kid has a shitty new thing so they escape it with an alternate reality. I should say maybe his technique is good, I honestly dont judge a movie at all based on cinematography, but he has yet to do a good movie, all ok movies.

Most of the Miyazaki films I've seen take place in alternate realities, and aren't about escapism. The only one I've seen that deals with this is Spirited Away, and the girl's hardly dealing with anything as big as war. Furthermore Del Toro doesn't use the dream world as an escape for all her problems, she still has to deal with reality and war when she's not off in her fantasy world.

Furthermore do you have any reasons for why Pan's Labyrinth is bad other than the fact that the themes have a vague resemblance to Miyazaki's? There are barely any films that have completely original ideas, and I've yet to see a single director who was also a groundbreaking philosopher.
I don't really think it's overrated, no one's been saying that it's one of the greatest movies ever made, but it's a good fucking movie.

it's the 59th best film ever according to imdb, which makes it better than rashomon, no country, 2001 a space odyssey, blade runner, unforgiven, bridge on the river kwai, touch of evil, the killing, ace in the hole, stalker, all terminators, 8 1/2, etcetcetcetc
it's the 59th best film ever according to imdb, which makes it better than rashomon, no country, 2001 a space odyssey, blade runner, unforgiven, bridge on the river kwai, touch of evil, the killing, ace in the hole, stalker, all terminators, 8 1/2, etcetcetcetc

Meh it's still a relatively recent film, 20 years from now it probably won't be nearly as well remembered as many of the films you mentioned.