The Official Movie Thread

Just finished watching American Psycho with some friends. I loved how it deals with a sick, twisted killer's mind in a clever, comedic way. And the different interpretations behind the film make it even better.
American Psycho didn't do it for me. I just had trouble enjoying his character's personality without really seeing how he got there. If he started sane I'd probably have enjoyed it more.
Questionay - Has anyone seen Waking Life? Is it worth watching? from what I've seen the visual style seems overly gimmicky and the dialogue seemed irritating and essentially shallow, which would pretty much ruin the film. Can anyone vouch for or quash these observations?
it's basically a film comprised entirely of philosophical, existential and metaphysical wankery discussions. There isn't really much of a plot beyond the guy trying to determine if he's awake or asleep.

but if you're into philosophy, it's got some interesting tidbits
I do enjoy a bit of philosophy (though I no longer study it), but the bits I saw seemed a bit faux-philisophical, overly elaborate and shallow, in which case the movie would irritate me greatly. I know somewhere I can watch the whole thing online, I might as well just give a go and if it's crap, I haven't wasted any money.
Well I finally got around to seeing The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly today. Definitely as good as everyone says it is.

Also saw Last Man Standing, pretty good movie, but not on the same level as Yojimbo and A Fistful of Dollars.