The Official Movie Thread

That's pretty much what I thought, like they took the ideas from a few different films but rather than roll them into was like watching 28 Days/Weeks Later, then a movie about cannibals/skids, then it like shifts to medieval times etc. I also couldn't help but notice that some of the music used in Doomsday was previously used in 28 Weeks Later.

Honestly, I couldn't stand Doomsday. There's so much jumping from scene to scene that I was irritated throughout the entire movie. It's like the movie never focuses on one scene for more then three seconds, and any dialogue is virtually non-existent.

It could have gone this way for me as well. I had no idea what the movie was about and ended up not taking it seriously at all. Kinda like Shoot 'Em Up but not quite as over the top. Doomsday took itself seriously but not THAT seriously.
Whats the deal with Hollywood remakes? I saw an English movie yesterday where a bunch of prisoners faced off against a bunch of guards in a football match,i have seen a Hollywood movie with the exact same story that was complete crap,didn´t realize it was a remake until yesterday. The Englsh movie was great. Same thing with The Ring,the Japanese version is awesome,the Hollywood remake is crap. What´s the point of remaking every non American movie really?

Hollywood is just afraid of taking risks these days. They like doing films that were successful in other countries, or have an existing fan base, rather than risk testing fresh ideas on audiences.
Have you seen any of the Pusher films? They're not exactly ganster movies but are about crime, drug dealing etc. Each of the three films focuses on one of the characters, up close and personal. They're dark films, and done in a realistic manner, but they aren't full of action or anything so some people may lack the patience for them. They're Danish films btw, but I think they're great especially the first two.

Looks cool, I'll check these out.
Just saw Det Sjunde Inseglet (The Seventh Seal). Wow. Didn't think I'd enjoy it due to it's age, but I certainly did. Masterpiece.

pretty much anything by Ingmar Bergman is gold. Winter Light, Persona and Hour of the Wolf are my personal favorites of his

Anyone seen "Pi" and "Requiem For A Dream" by Darren Aronofsky? I'm interested to hear people's opinions on these films.

I think Aronofsky is a really interesting director. He was kind of indie gimmicky on Pi and Requiem...and of the two, I enjoy Pi more because the plot, to me, is more interesting. I loved The Fountain too. he's definitely one of my favorites
Mathiäs;7530030 said:
Saw Mirrors last night. Pretty retarded but there were a few weird parts

Yeah. I constantly say I like Alexandre Aja, but when I think about it, most of his movies are at least 50% suck. High Tension is really his best and even that one had a lame-ass twist

Requiem for a dream is a fucking masterpiece

I think it's Aronofsky's worst movie. Not terrible, but it makes a fairly obvious point ("Drugs are bad!") and often lapses a bit far into the whole MTV EDITING! thing. It certainly had its moments, though.
I love both of them. I perfer Pi to Requiem For A Dream anyday. Aronofsky is turning into one of my favorite directors.

In other news, after watching Tarkovsky's Stalker I decided to watch his other movie Solaris. I actually enjoyed this more then Stalker. One of the best movies I've ever seen.
Solaris is a classic. Actually, they remade it with 100% more George Clooney ass not all that long ago.
pretty much anything by Ingmar Bergman is gold. Winter Light, Persona and Hour of the Wolf are my personal favorites of his

I think Aronofsky is a really interesting director. He was kind of indie gimmicky on Pi and Requiem...and of the two, I enjoy Pi more because the plot, to me, is more interesting. I loved The Fountain too. he's definitely one of my favorites

The Fountain was trash.
Have you seen any of the Pusher films? They're not exactly ganster movies but are about crime, drug dealing etc. Each of the three films focuses on one of the characters, up close and personal. They're dark films, and done in a realistic manner, but they aren't full of action or anything so some people may lack the patience for them. They're Danish films btw, but I think they're great especially the first two.

Sounds interesting, might have to look into it.

On a related note, has any of you seen Blinkende Lygter? The english title is Flickering Lights or something. It's another danish crime film, very dark. 7.4 on IMDB.
I saw Pi last week I think, it was really weird. The plot sounded awesome to me but I don't really think it delivered. Kind of a let down personally
aronofsky has a very interesting visual style, so all his movies are fun to look at, and while I'm not sure I "buy" the fountain's message, I think it is his best-looking film to date