The Official Movie Thread

Tetsuo - The Iron Man. Umm, not too sure about this one. Had some cool elements but the quick-jumping camera work made it a little hard to follow. I'm still looking for an explanation on why the Japanese are infatuated with large metal cocks.

Boarding Gate - Sub-par erotic thriller. Asia Argento has the fine rack, though.
Saw Bonnie And Clyde. Felt very dated.
Also, saw The Spy Who Loved Me. Classic misogyny + camp. But none of those classic one-liners like "he had a lot of guts."
Tonight I watched Max Payne. I'm a huge fan of the video game btw.

Overall, I thought the movie was o-k. Some things I liked, but much of it was disappointing. I understand they're not going be able to fit all of the game into 90mins, but the story they threw together was largely inconsistent and hardly true to the video game. The acting was quite mediocre overall, and the chracter portrayals were really weak. For example, Ludacris' acting performance was fucking horrendous - he looked lost in every scene, like he had no idea what he was doing or who his character was (not to mention Bravura wasn't supposed to be black). The visuals were great though.
Just sat through a 24 hour horror movie marathon at my local art/cult film movie theater. Here's a quick rundown of everything I watched.

May - Really twisted movie, that I had a lot of fun watching.


Based on your descriptions I went and rented this. I found it to be a pretty good movie. I like how these people who saw themselves as "weird" and as liking "weird" were really not prepared for real weird when they were faced with it.

Also watched The Happening again. I just like this movie. Mark Wahlberg's character is hilarious. I liked a lot of the little human details in it.
I just saw Se7en, for the first time even. I have to say it was a masterpiece. I've hardly seen a more suspenseful movie, ever. The ending was... It should have been disappointing, but they pulled it off in a manner that it worked. I'm still confused as to how that would make Doe as remembered as he said, though.
Been on a William H. Macy kick.

The Cooler- plays a Vegas prop at a casino that is run by the ruthless character played by Alec Baldwin. Macy is supposed to disrupt and distract (cooler) anyone that is having success gambling.

Edmond-based on the play of the same name. A mild manner guy that all of a sudden lets out his long surpressed rage.

Seabiscuit- plays the witty, alcoholic, track announcer. I'm not a big horse racing fan but this story was phenominal. Would have won some awards if not for bad timing...came out at the same time as Lord Of The Rings.

The guy is simply brilliant. Some of his movies are odd and he is no mega-star. He is the master of playing roles that have you disliking the character, at the same time also loving him. Wishing to never be in his shoes, at the same time admiring and being right there in his moments. Seeming icredibly ignorant, yet very intelligent. Can be serious and comical all at once.
Macy is a good actor. I lol every time I watch Jurrasic Park 3 and see him in that.

I haven't seen a whole lot of films with him though. He was excellent in Fargo though.
I just saw Se7en, for the first time even. I have to say it was a masterpiece. I've hardly seen a more suspenseful movie, ever. The ending was... It should have been disappointing, but they pulled it off in a manner that it worked. I'm still confused as to how that would make Doe as remembered as he said, though.

Yeah, that is a pretty amazing movie. I saw it in the theater when it came out with a friend. When we walked out I was just speechless.
Yeah, that is a pretty amazing movie. I saw it in the theater when it came out with a friend. When we walked out I was just speechless.

Seven was a great flick. It had one of the sickest endings in movie history. Also some of the worst acting in that last scene as well. Pitt was awful.
I think I'm starting to really like Kevin Spacey's acting. Someone tell me what movies are his best.

...And on an unrelated note, someone tell me what Edward Norton's best movies are.