The Official Movie Thread

I just saw Se7en, for the first time even. I have to say it was a masterpiece. I've hardly seen a more suspenseful movie, ever. The ending was... It should have been disappointing, but they pulled it off in a manner that it worked. I'm still confused as to how that would make Doe as remembered as he said, though.

This movie is fuckin' awesome. I on the other hand, believe the ending was one of the things that put the movie on a whole 'nother level.

I think I'm starting to really like Kevin Spacey's acting. Someone tell me what movies are his best.

...And on an unrelated note, someone tell me what Edward Norton's best movies are.

American History X and Fight Club.
american beauty and american history x both blow

i used to like spacey but now i just think he's a cunt. my fave films that he's in are se7en, the nogotiator :)grin:), the usual suspects

not a big norton fan either, he's been shit in a few things since fight club/AHX
If American History X and American Beauty aren't good movies, then I don't know what is.

both are pretty good in execution, but execution does not a great movie make.

american beauty is bullshit for the kinds of people who feel inspired by el kev beating the drudgery of modern society by getting high and jacking off over a 16 year old girl for an hour and a half. it doesn't know what it wants to be, it's absolutely full of holes however you take it, but whatever it does it's REALLY SMUG about doing it, just begging for oscars. as an aside i fucking can't stand thora birch in that film, she should just shut her supposedly ugly face and let me look at her supposedly ugly breasts some more.

american history x is all like chill out and smoke a fat one 'cause life's too short for hate, my mind was blown when i realised this life lesson was right there in front of me the whole time but i had been blinded by my prejudice. thank god life isn't too short to make movies as important as american history x, otherwise i would never have removed my swastika tattoo, taken up bass guitar and joined my local b-ball team.

while we're on the topic of overrated as fuck films everybody likes, how about a bit of the old shawwank redemption. i bet nobody will agree with me on that one haha.

aguirre rules ;)
The Shawshank Redemption actually really, really fucking sucks.

You have to be kidding me:confused: The scene where Tim Robbins is crawling through shit pipe is touching. And Tim Robbins did a great job with fucking up the warden.

Someone had seen Max Payne? I've heard it's bullfuck.
So I just watched Lost Highway. I didn't think I'd like it. Thought it would be one of those really slow movies you can't really appreciate at all the first time you watch it. I did like it though. For a while, I even thought I knew what the hell was going on. That illusion was broken towards the end though.

So, it was fascinating. Looking forward to watching it again in a few months or so. Haven't got too much hope of making any sense of it though.
I though The Dark Knight was a really crappy Batman movie. The guy who plays Batman sounded like Clint Eastwood when he was dressed as Batman. Also, the storyline was just horrible.

Also, no offense to the late Heath Ledger, but imo Jack Nicholson was a way better Joker.
Spacey was also very good in The Life Of David Gale...a very good movie. Also, sexy Rhona Mitra is as hot as it gets in this film.

Ed Norton was great in the Red Dragon , opposite Hannibal Lector (A. Hopkins).