The Official Movie Thread

I though The Dark Knight was a really crappy Batman movie. The guy who plays Batman sounded like Clint Eastwood when he was dressed as Batman. Also, the storyline was just horrible.

Also, no offense to the late Heath Ledger, but imo Jack Nicholson was a way better Joker.

It was a crime drama more than a superhero movie (a few retarded bits aside- bizarre cellphone fueled sonar pulse thing, I'm looking at you). C. Bale rules but his Batman didn't have much to do. His Batman voice was still awful.

Ledger was a fine Joker. I'd say he matched Nicholson. I also don't think a role like that deserves an Oscar, though.
lost highway is great, lynch has made even better movies though

life of david gale suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks, so does red dragon

bale's batman voice was fine, the fact that it sounds like a self-parody actually contributes to his characterisation
I though The Dark Knight was a really crappy Batman movie. The guy who plays Batman sounded like Clint Eastwood when he was dressed as Batman. Also, the storyline was just horrible.

Also, no offense to the late Heath Ledger, but imo Jack Nicholson was a way better Joker.

Mulholland Drive is my favorite Lynch followed very closely by Eraserhead, but Inland Empire and Blue Velvet are also very good. Haven't actually seen any others outside of his short films (these range from alright to awesome).
Mulholland Drive isn't bad...if anything it should be seen for the sex scenes. ooo yeah. I don't know...Inland Empire was a nice work of art, but as far as story goes, it wasn't that great.

it did, though, singlehandedly, have the most disturbing image I've ever scene in a filme though (and those who have seen Inland Empire know what I'm talking about)
I've always thought 'Blue Velvet' was close to the worst Lynch film. Certain elements succeed, the beginning and ending, but a whole lot of it really goes nowhere and doesn't feel like it really pulls of what it tries to.

On the other hand, his interpretation of 'Dune' is usually shat on from great heights, but I found it to be utterly enthralling.

'Eraserhead' and 'The Elephant Man' still own also.
mulholland drive is my fave lynch, one of my favourite movies ever actually, most of them are worth watching though. i see lost highway as somewhat similar but inferior to mulholland drive. i made exactly the same comparison with eyes wide shut when i first saw them, except i saw mulholland drive first so it was the other way around. i'd be quite surprised if kubrick wasn't influenced by lynch in general at that point. although lynch himself was pretty clearly influenced by hitchcock and bergman of course so maybe kubrick was just borrowing from similar influences.

i love mulholland drive mostly 'cause of the way he blurs boundaries and destroys absolutes, subverting expectations and conventions at every single turn. more specifically the elusive shifting dualistic sense of identity (always a powerful theme), the way he taps into this idea of the monsters inside us loving to make us voyeur to projections of their ideal selves - serving as a metaphor for why we watch movies in the first place. 'perfect blue' is another fantastic and disturbing example of this, very similar to 'mulholland drive' in general actually (and predating it). i've noticed people mention satoshi kon before on here, that's prob my favourite film of his.

inland empire is really hard going but i love it, the thing with lynch is he writes for the sub-conscious, you can't grasp at anything concrete but if you let down your defenses you're deeply, disturbingly affected by everything he does.

blue velvet i haven't seen in aaaaages, don't think i came close to getting it back when i saw it. i have a feeling it's great though.

life of david gale is a horrible film, not only does it exist solely to serve a moral bias but it totally undermines that bias without even realising it.

red dragon is blatantly not very good lol, ill stick with silence of the lambs tyvm.

for the record i don't like shawshank 'cause it's just about the least challenging film ever, in fact it's totally de-individualising, i hate movies like that. cliché-ridden sentimental (CHRISTIAN) bullshit.

i found journey to the centre of the earth fun actually, but i was in the mood for that sort of nonsense when i watched it. it isn't particularly good.
I like Shawshank Redemption for what it is, and find it enjoyable to watch, but I agree that it is ridiculously overrated.

Very overrated, but I agree for me it was a very feel good movie. Though reading some reviews I suppose some people felt it hit them with the full emotional spectrum. I guess I'm just too desensitized to find implied rape hard to watch. Or everyone else is not desensitized enough.

I recently watched Otto; or, Up With Dead People, Bruce LaBruce's new Gay Zombie movie. I really enjoyed it, though it's highly stylized and it's not something everyone can get into. But for me it was hilariously funny without relying on it's premise for cheap laughs, and also a very good and enjoyable story. I really like how Bruce's style is evolving and I hope to see even better stuff from him in the future.
inland empire is really hard going but i love it, the thing with lynch is he writes for the sub-conscious, you can't grasp at anything concrete but if you let down your defenses you're deeply, disturbingly affected by everything he does.

I STILL have to see 'Inland Empire'... Can't wait though..

for the record i don't like shawshank 'cause it's just about the least challenging film ever, in fact it's totally de-individualising, i hate movies like that. cliché-ridden sentimental (CHRISTIAN) bullshit.

There's not a lot of challenging thinking in that particular generalization tbh.
Hellboy II - Visually stunning movie. Del Toro has one of the greatest imaginations out there and I look forward to The Hobbitt. The plot left me feeling a little empty but it's a popcorn flick so I have to turn off my inner critic and enjoy.
Scorpion King 2

I liked this movie. I think the storyline was better than the first Scorpion King. If this movie would of had the same funding it could have been much better. The visuals were fair.