The Official Movie Thread

^Me too. I thought it was well done. It seems like the movie jumps around a lot (after all, they have a ton of stuff to cram into two hours), but it's coherent. And like Evil? said, the landscapes are great, as are the battle/fight scenes.
inland empire is really hard going but i love it, the thing with lynch is he writes for the sub-conscious, you can't grasp at anything concrete but if you let down your defenses you're deeply, disturbingly affected by everything he does.

I just tried to watch it and found it unbearable. And I love Lynch's movies generally. I may give it another go tomorrow.
My brother is writing me a list of movies I need to watch. First up is Kalifornia and Still Crazy. Will probably watch the former after sauna.

The rest of the list:

Eyes Wide Shut
We Were Soldiers
Wild At Heart
The Piano
Sixth Sense
The Beach
^Me too. I thought it was well done. It seems like the movie jumps around a lot (after all, they have a ton of stuff to cram into two hours), but it's coherent. And like Evil? said, the landscapes are great, as are the battle/fight scenes.

Yeah I was really excited to see this but rented it first thankfully. It does jump around quite a bit and the final battle was a little underwhelming. The dudes on horseback with the twin scimitars were freakin' awesome.

I just think that if you're gonna tell the tale, people will forgive a little dialogue to move the film along but this felt like the Cliff Notes version of his life.
I just tried to watch it and found it unbearable. And I love Lynch's movies generally. I may give it another go tomorrow.

Inland Empire is brilliant once you understand what it is about. It took me a two full views before I understood it. Once I did understand it, the images, sounds and plot came together and made such a pleasure for me.
I watched Feast 2: Sloppy Seconds last night, ridiculous :lol:

awesome comedy/horror.

Jenny Wade plays as 'Honey Pie' which is worth seeing the movie alone(good god)
Zombie Strippers - Exactly what I thought it would be. A "B" zombie movie with tons of blood and tits. Had some pretty funny parts as well. Dare I say Jenna Jameson looks kinda hot even as a zombie?

Star Wars: The Clone Wars - I wanted to hate this more than I did. Not to say the plot wasn't paper thin. Most of the dialogue was dreadful. Only things that kept me interested were the great visuals and sound.
Just watched Dark City. I liked it. I think staying up through the entire night made it better.