The Official Movie Thread

Anyone who finds Hellboy anything other than mind-numbingly cheesy needs to re-examine their head.

On a four-star system Button clearly rates ***1/2
Anyone who finds Hellboy anything other than mind-numbingly cheesy needs to re-examine their head.

On a four-star system Button clearly rates ***1/2

maybe if it didn't have the embarrassing gump-redux screenplay, horrible HURRICANE KATRINA IS COMING framing device and non-existent editing it'd be closer to that mark. cinematography's nice, but doesn't there's only so much rescuing you can give these dumbshit sledgehammer fairytales.

hellboy movies are just cheesy fun which touch upon greater things without ever following through. a few indelible images amongst them also.
So I just watched Svidd Neger. You might know this movie because Ulver made the soundtrack for it. I didn't know quite what to expect but... It was spectacular. And the music wasn't even the most remarkable aspect. I'm completely speechless, it was just stunning... I highly recommend it to everyone.
maybe if it didn't have the embarrassing gump-redux screenplay, horrible HURRICANE KATRINA IS COMING framing device and non-existent editing it'd be closer to that mark. cinematography's nice, but doesn't there's only so much rescuing you can give these dumbshit sledgehammer fairytales.

I for some reason attempted to defend Hellboy. der.

Sure it was Gump-esque, and it took a while to get going with the whole woman-in-the-hospital-during-katrina bit. But overall the message conveyed and the manner of conveyance past the first 20 minutes was head and shoulders above the majority of the drivel that is commonly produced.
So I just watched Svidd Neger. You might know this movie because Ulver made the soundtrack for it. I didn't know quite what to expect but... It was spectacular. And the music wasn't even the most remarkable aspect. I'm completely speechless, it was just stunning... I highly recommend it to everyone.

I watched it thinking it would be really shit but yeah, it's pretty decent and funny.
I just watched Year of The Dog (2007) starring Molly Shannon. Didn't really like it. It's one thing to be subtle, and another to just not include any themes or meaning, and have the viewer (expecting that there is some depth to an indie film) make some up. Otherwise, it's just the story of a lady who discovers how deep her passion for animal rights is. Supporting characters are shallow, but that's maybe forgivable, since we basically see the film's world through the eyes of the lead, who only seems to know simple people.
I watched it thinking it would be really shit but yeah, it's pretty decent and funny.

I found it far beyond decent in quality. But then again, it's my kind of movie exactly. Very dark, morbid humour and slightly bizarre, and I can even relate to it. It's closer to reality than you'd think...
Sure it was Gump-esque, and it took a while to get going with the whole woman-in-the-hospital-during-katrina bit. But overall the message conveyed and the manner of conveyance past the first 20 minutes was head and shoulders above the majority of the drivel that is commonly produced.

and the majority of drivel commonly produced would get half a star or less from me
I saw In Bruges last night for the second time and loved it just as much as the first time. Clemence Poesy really is gorgeous, especially the first time you see her, at night on the film set.
If you like splatter movies you should watch the French movie Switchblade Romance, pretty brutal stuff. And the ending has an awesome twist, worth watching just knowing that.
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