The Official Movie Thread

I saw Lions for Lambs last night. I had to watch it for one of my classes. It wasn't bad. Interesting. Robert Redford is himself, so that's always fun. I'd love to have him as a professor. Tom Cruise, likewise, is himself.

I don't know whatever. It was a decent film but nothing amazing.

Tonight, for the same class, we're watching Mr Smith Goes to Washington. fun fun fun!
Event Horizon - Rented it again to see how it looked on Blu. Still a pretty awesome movie.

Eagle Eye - Could have been better if not for the glaring WTF that threads itself through the entire movie.

If you wanna see a movie that's quite similar to Event Horizon, get Sunshine. Danny Boyle directs (the guy that did 28 Days Later, Trainspotting, and Slumdog Millionaire)
I wanna die like the azn guy in Sunshine.

Or like someone outa Event Horizon. Only if I go that way I wanna be in a primary school or something when it happens.
Just saw the newest Futurama movie. It was alright, better than Bender's Game but not as good as the first two.
Went movie hopping today.

Slumdog Millionaire - Started out pretty good, but they fucked up the ending which left a bad taste in my mouth.

Doubt - Good attention to detail, nice acting, interesting concept/plot. I enjoyed it quite a bit, though it wasn't great.

Underworld: Ride of the Lycans - Complete and total trash. Horribly made, boring as hell action scenes. Some accidental humor that kept me mildly entertained.
So what I took from Magnolia is that addresses pride/arrogance, guilt/regret, and forgiveness/redemption in the three acts of the film. The fact that the divides are fairly clear helps such a long film move forward. I could have done without one horrible sequence in the middle, and I think the narration sections were sort of expendable, since I thought those 3 themes carried the action well enough without additional statements of how interconnected things are. I'm hoping I know someone with this DVD so I can watch the 2nd disc.
Just watched A Streetcar Named Desire, for an acting class I'm taking. I enjoyed it quite a bit, but my understanding is the play is a lot more effective because there were certain things censored from the movie.