The Official Movie Thread

Watched Donnie Brasco and A Beautiful Mind over the weekend. Both were pretty awesome, especially the latter. Russell Crowe's acting was a lot better than I expected for some reason.

also, blah at man on wire beating herzog to the doc oscar, not that i'm surprised.

What is your user title referring to?
There Will Be Blood.

A movie that I originally had zero interest in. A movie that drags and at times has little dialogue (thats ok I guess)? A movie that I have only watched bits and pieces of here and there...yet watched more and more each time...until finally seeing it in full. A very intense-gripping movie, an ok story or subject...yet an unforgetable film. Daniel Day Lewis obviously is the show here and proves just how great of an actor he is. Can't say I'm his biggest fan and know all his work. Do know that after seeing Blood, I will be sure to watch anything that this guy acts in from here on out.
Daniel Day Lewis was phenomenal in that film. It's funny that he gets cast as these badasses when in reality he's this really meek and mild guy it seems
Pineapple Express - I like all of the Apatow movies and this one is no different although the magic of his movies lie in the dialogue and not the action towards the end of this one. As usual, many quotable lines.

Apaloosa - Just okay. I think Renee Zellweger was miscast in this one as her looks are headed south with a fury. Hoped it would be a bit more graphic for the R rating but otherwise, not a bad story.

Saw V - Meh. I pretty much like all of them but this felt lazy, almost like the writers went back and found the holes in the first four then punched them into this one. Not enough cool traps fo sho.

Heathers - Hadn't seen this for many years. I almost forgot what an odd little yarn this was. It still pretty much holds up except for some of the lingo.

Throne Of Blood - Akira Kurosawa's take on MacBeth. This movie is an automatic win simply because of Toshiro Mifune. Had he not been in it, it still would be a great movie.
I wanted to see that but missed it in theaters. It looks like Charlie Kaufman's best so far

edit: it seems like he took his idea from a Borges story in which a cartographer creates a life size model map of New York and then Baudrillard comes in and says...well nevermind
watched Gran Torino. Clint Eastwood is so fuckin cool! and the movie was so funny at times the whole theatre was laughing!