The Official Movie Thread

Watched Flying High (Airplane!) for the first time in ages last night. Most excellent movie. The bar scene is pure gold.
Just watched A Streetcar Named Desire, for an acting class I'm taking. I enjoyed it quite a bit, but my understanding is the play is a lot more effective because there were certain things censored from the movie.

can't speak for the play but i think the movie's absolutely amazing and the perfect one to study for an acting class, as it's very much a landmark in that field. analysed it here: (bottom of the page)
saw hp5 for the 3rd or 4th time, it's so criminally underrated. moments before the film starts to turn nasty there's a scene of fond fire-lit banter so heartfelt and adolescent that it's devastating in this doomed world where these kids must be adults when even adults won't do. whole thing's so vulnerable man, every moment further removes the safety net, mercilessly tearing to pieces every semblance of childhood naivete leaving them facing the worst of nightmares naked and hopeless and alone. it's fucking astonishing in places, and frequently exceptional.
I've given the books and films a chance and don't really enjoy either. For the most part the films do seem to be pretty well done.

Someone should get to work on making all of The Malazan Book Of The Fallen. And do it well, no leaving out shit like women raping dead/dying men or armies of cannibals.
the third and fifth HP films were great, the others less good to varying degrees.

i doubt they'll ever adapt erikson, it's too much of a clusterfuck not to mention reeeeally long. i don't really want them to anyway, i'm 100% sure they couldn't do it justice.
i doubt they'll ever adapt erikson, it's too much of a clusterfuck not to mention reeeeally long. i don't really want them to anyway, i'm 100% sure they couldn't do it justice.

No way could they ever do Erikson. The only way a film interpretation could possibly do it justice would be if HBO does it, like they're doing with Martin's series. And even then, it's just too huge of a complex world to do successfully.
Hoooly shit, Erikson on TV? Miss one episode and it'd be like missing an entire season of a different show. :p

Edit: Oops, not TV, film. Damn you quick-reading!
Saw Quantum of Solace last night. Clearly not as good as Casino Royale, but entertaining enough. Like how they ripped off Goldfinger with the whole "kill a woman by covering her in an oil-based substance" routine.
I watched Bloodlust: Subspecies III last night and it has to be some of the gayest shit I've ever seen in my life. I have it on VHS along with a ton of other movies I got for free back when I worked at Blockbuster and we started to get rid of our tape collection to make room for DVDs.
Saw Revolutionary Road last night. Really enjoyed it. Winslet and DiCaprio were great and the inclusion of Michael Shannon as the neighbour's inappropriate nutter son on day leave from the funny farm was awesome.
yeahhhh so, saw "The International" last night. It was good in a way. Just another movie, but it did have a few unique features. The woman sucked at acting though, and the one shooting shot in the Gugenhiem was really lame and looked like a scene from an old Western Movie

also, watching "Encounter at the end of the World" now. good so far
watched Body of Lies starring DiCaprio and Crowe. it was well-acted and fairly engaging. the iranian nurse was a cutie
alright, Tom...let's hear your thoughts about the oscars

they sucked big ass this year. Of course, I wasn't really wild about many of the films nominated, so that may have been part of it. I now have no desire whatsoever to see 'Slumdog Millionaire' after watching Danny Boyle smiling like a maniac each time the film won. And I was pissed Penelope Cruz got best supporting actress. whatever.
alright, Tom...let's hear your thoughts about the oscars

they sucked big ass this year. Of course, I wasn't really wild about many of the films nominated, so that may have been part of it. I now have no desire whatsoever to see 'Slumdog Millionaire' after watching Danny Boyle smiling like a maniac each time the film won. And I was pissed Penelope Cruz got best supporting actress. whatever.

ugh. basically milk was the lesser of five evils and even that was a risk-averse oscar-baiting biopic if ever i've seen one (especially obnoxious considering it's from van sant). slumdog is a smug paternal hypocritical piece of trash and easily my least favourite of the five, ben button is hurricane katrina life is short box of chocolates etc, frost/nixon compresses its content into a rocky sequel and criticises the reductive powers of television in the same breath (but hey, it's ron howard), the reader was purchased by a weinstein.

i wanted fincher to win best director (he made the screenplay a lot more bearable than it should've been), rourke to win best actor of course (predicted it'd be penn though). wanted leo to win best actress (frozen river sucks but she carries it), or at least streep, or even hathaway, not fucking kate winslet for a totally unnotable performance, but there you go. glad ledger won. wanted tomei to win supporting actress but expected it to be cruz or maybe davis. and wanted wall-e for original screenplay, doubt for adapted - got neither, as expected.

so yeah basically the oscars sucked ass, glad i didn't watch it.