The Official Movie Thread

I watched The Tango Lesson today. I like some art house, for lack of a better term, but this was one that didn't interest me at all. Towards the middle of the film, I couldn't help letting out an audible groan every time the characters began dancing. I understood the importance of it, but I simply didn't care. I couldn't connect with the characters in any way - actually, I found them irritating to the core (especially actor/director Sally Potter).

Those of you who have seen it may disagree, and that's cool. That's what art is all about. For me, though, it was tedious to the point of tears.
yeah i did, was just... ok. walter chaw sums it up perfectly in a sentence: it feels like it was written by dr. manhattan when it should've been written by rorschach.
Have found out rumors of Terminator 4 being made on imdb and that Josh Brolin will play the Terminator he's the guy that played a character in No country for old men and that Christian Bale will play John Conner. Nothing is sertain but the evidence is there that there thinking about it i am sure some people will like the fact that it could be made but i dont.
Have found out rumors of Terminator 4 being made on imdb and that Josh Brolin will play the Terminator he's the guy that played a character in No country for old men and that Christian Bale will play John Conner. Nothing is sertain but the evidence is there that there thinking about it i am sure some people will like the fact that it could be made but i dont.

holy shit where are you getting this golden slab of information

i'm pretty up for this movie tbh
Have found out rumors of Terminator 4 being made on imdb and that Josh Brolin will play the Terminator he's the guy that played a character in No country for old men and that Christian Bale will play John Conner. Nothing is sertain but the evidence is there that there thinking about it i am sure some people will like the fact that it could be made but i dont.

Dude...where have you been? Ain't no rumors anymore, this film has been in production since summer of 08. There's already a trailer for it, that hit theaters in fall of 08. The movie itself hits theaters May 21st.

Here's the 3rd trailer:

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So, for those who were fans of Shane Acker's short film "9," he's adapting it into a full-length film with Tim Burton. I personally don't believe this movie will be anywhere near as cool as the short film (which has no dialogue), but for those interested, here's the official trailer.

Even if you don't want to see it, at least check out the fucking epic music that accompanies it.


And for those who are interested but haven't heard of this, here's Acker's original short film:
