The Official Movie Thread

Transporter 3 - I like the other two but this was the worst of the three by far. Dear studios: Please stop revolving your thin scripts around stuff that makes no sense in the first place.

What? The 2nd one is the worst. The action in this one far surpassed the previous predecessors. Sure not the best acting, but most movies I have seen Robert Knepper in, have been good ones.

And Jason Statham fuckin rules.:headbang:
And I give this my highest recommendation. It's incredible. Everyone needs to put it next on their queue immediately. It's riveting; incredibly emotional and powerful. Any amateurish aspects are easily overlooked by the incredible spirit of the filmmaker and the remarkable story being told. One of the best movies I've ever seen.
The remake of the Planet of the Apes was on just now, and I watched it for the first time since its release. I didn't like it then, but upon second viewing it was actually alright. Ending was a bit crap though, nothing compared to the original.
watched Rescue Dawn last night,and Elegy tonight.

Rescue Dawn was awesome. Werner Herzog is great. I didnt feel hollywood in there at all, and it felt really "real", (except the cheasy end lol), but hey its a true story.

Elegy was decent. good story. But somehow I found the acting, or the pace of the movie rather, very slow.
You know, Watchmen puts up a good front of being about life, and how we all have our own part to play, and the irrelevance of the human race, but, really, we all know Snyder just wanted to see how far he could push the blue cock.