The Official Movie Thread

i fucking hate gus van sant, everything he does is shit

and he's been especially annoying these past few years

I watched The Abyss today on Fox Movie of my favorite movies but they cut out the whole thing with the aliens sending the tsunamis to wash out humanity! Totally change the meaning of the movie. Fucking rupert murdoch.
Hey, has anyone here seen A Scanner Darkly? I saw that a few weeks ago, and my mind was fucking blown. I can't believe I'd never heard of that movie before just randomly coming across a mention of it on Wikipedia. Such an incredible masterpiece.

If anyone needs some extra incentive to check it out, it was written by the same guy who wrote the book Blade Runner is based on. It also has a really weird animation style that's kind of a blend of animation and live action.
it's called rotoscoping. The director films it in live action and then the film is painted/animated over

A Scanner Darkly was a great film and definitely one of Keanu Reeves's better performances. Also, Robert Downey Jr was great in it as well.
A Scanner Darkly is probably Dick's most filmable book... hence why it worked. Linklater is a good director. Most Dick adaptations are complete balls-ups: Minority Report, Totall Recall (ok goofy fun but still pretty bad), and I even include Blade Runner in there, but lets not get into that argument again.

Speaking of Linklater, I just rewatched Dazed and Confused. Such a simply pleasurable film.
Glad to see so many people have seen it.

Oh, and Blade Runner was definitely a flawed movie. The acting was terrible, and the pace of the story tends to drag. The visuals more than make up for it though, imo.
i think the criticisms concerning blade runner's slowness are rooted in its being slow in comparison to the genre's conventions, rather than being an outright slow movie. i mean it's slow for the mainstream but otherwise?

the acting criticism is one of those where i don't think it really applies in context with the film - i really think they act in a way that such people (replicants) might well act in such a society. certainly the OTTness of hauer/etc and the blank, clichéd noir acting of ford were calculated decisions rather than oversights. i actually really love that cold love scene between ford and young.

there are a ton of things in blade runner that would be terrible in any other movie. that's why it's such an awesome achievement, it just... works against all the odds. for me, anyway.