The Official Movie Thread

anyway. stuff i've recently seen.

ripley's game - a john malkovich vehicle, perhaps, but an extremely fun and oddly powerful one - much better than slop like the talented mr ripley and yet i don't think it even got into the theaters.

shallow hal - could've been worse haha

heat - just fucking awesome as ever, i'll never get tired of it. michael mann is great, and the fucking cast, man.

dirty harry - yeah it hasn't aged brilliantly but, y'know, it's the ultimate vigilante justice movie starring clint eastwood and one of the best crazy villains ever, so obviously it rules

point blank - i had some reservations at the start, all that '60s formal experimentation is frequently offputting for me, but it turned out to be fucking great. reinvigorates the noir by using its exact stylistic antitheses yet conjuring an oddly similar mood. i mean it's not chinatown/long goodbye good as far as revisionist noirs go, but it's really, really good.

punch drunk love - just brilliant, obviously.

notorious - solid hitch
The Grifters.

Considering Anjelica Huston, John Cusack and Annette Bening all piss me off 99% of the time I was surprised at how much I liked it. I have nothing to do for 3hours so I think I'm gonna watch Shallow Grave in a minute, I <3 Ewan McGregor.

A Scanner Darkly is great, Total Recall is great, Blade Runner* is in my top 5 films. Imposter and Screamers are pretty good. Minority Report and Next are definitely watchable. Paycheck is, well, I'll skip that one out. I wish so much Philip K Dick hadn't died so young, definitely one of my favourite authors and plenty of good films exist because of him. I'm very interested to see how The Owl in Daylight turns out.

Also, I can't help but really anticipate the new Dune film even though a very large part of me thinks it will be awful. Meh.

People need to get to work on making epic LotR style adaptations of Peter Hamilton/Dan Simmons/Steven Erikson books.

*with regards to Blade Runner and the criticisms people have of it, I really can't think of anything I dislike about it. I guess there is one or two scenes from the book that I'd have liked in it but that's about it.
The Grifters.
Also, I can't help but really anticipate the new Dune film even though a very large part of me thinks it will be awful. Meh.

People need to get to work on making epic LotR style adaptations of Peter Hamilton/Dan Simmons/Steven Erikson books.

I also anticipate it. I really liked the original Dune.

I recently saw a film called "Dark Kingdom: The Dragon King", which is an interpretation of the Ring of the Niebelungs, the German folk tale that they say inspired LoTR. It was pretty good. Solid acting for a film that never made it mainstream.
People need to get to work on making epic LotR style adaptations of Peter Hamilton/Dan Simmons/Steven Erikson books.

god, please no. not for erikson or simmons, anyway. i still like the LotR films to an extent (esp. the first one) but if anything erikson requires the opposite of that style.

seedofvengeance said:
Punch Drunk Love was awful.

god, please no. not for erikson or simmons, anyway. i still like the LotR films to an extent (esp. the first one) but if anything erikson requires the opposite of that style.

I didn't really mean anything like the LotR films, just a decent budgest and some good actors. ;p

Have you read any Peter Hamilton?
1. Nicolas Cage is an Oscar winning Hollywood movie star who abruptly quit acting at the height of his abilities.

2. He has starred in dozens of films since that time.

You're the only one I've ever heard say something positive about that movie.

I think I liked it. I can't remember anything in particular about it just now, except Adam Sandler and relationship(s).

I also liked that more recent film of Sandler's name-a Rain Over Me.

I think I just really like Sandler's quirky serious films and the weird characters in them.

Spanglish was great!
all id like to say at this moment, is that Brad Pitt is the shitiest fucking actor. He ruines every movie he is in.

Furthermore, Curious Case of Benjamin Button was shit.


i liked troy. :)
but i think that was the exception.
he is pretty awful.
You're the only one I've ever heard say something positive about that movie.

well it was mostly critically acclaimed and it's by paul thomas magnolia/boogie nights/there will be blood fucking anderson who has more slobbering fanboys than nearly anyone. i love that movie, nearly as much as there will be blood actually.

i haven't read any peter hamilton btw, know the name though.

ben button sucks but i like brad pitt and there is no fucking way he's a bad actor. jesse james was proof of that.
I recently got around to watching Miller's Crossing and I am not really sure what I think about that movie. Not my favorite Coen brothers movie, but it had some excellent scenes in it.