The Official Movie Thread

Watchmen was pretty good. Less mindblowing than I thought it would be though.

Watched Judge Dredd w/ friends last night. Terminally horrid. And FUCK Rob Schneider. We were hoping he died every second he was on screen.

BTW T4 trailer looked epic.
Saw watchmen on opening night and was rather meh-ed by it. For a hollywood adaptation of fairly complex source material it could've been a lot worse. What was on screen was fairly true to the source material. However as expected it was bogged down by shitty acting, bad use of CGI, dumbing down, and the obvious necessity of cutting out a lot of character development for sake of delivering the plot of a rather long story.
I saw it on opening night and I was entertained by it. I enjoyed the fight scenes but was bored by some of the drama.
I saw it on opening night and I was entertained by it. I enjoyed the fight scenes but was bored by some of the drama.

Agreed, the drama was far less effective for me in movie form, which made it far more tedious than interesting. I enjoyed some of the blood and guts, kind of makes me wish Zack Snyder would stop doing adaptations and just make a hyperviolent original screenplay.
I'm really stoked about 9. I saw the trailer a few months ago and loved it from the second it started

I loved the original short film, mostly because of the atmosphere; and I loved the fact that it had no dialogue. There was absolutely no need for it. It would be awesome if they made the entire film with no dialogue, but I doubt any mainstream studio would pick it up.

BTW T4 trailer looked epic.

I just watched it today. I was pleasantly surprised.
I finally saw Event Horizon last night. I thought it was excellent and probably the creepiest movie I've ever seen. I actually couldn't sleep last night because of this movie.

I also saw Phantasm, which I thought sucked. The acting was terrible, the plot sucked, and it wasn't scary at all. I don't understand why this is considered a classic. Maybe this is for those kinds of people who like to enjoy their movies ironically.
I laughed so much when Rorschach would destroy people
I need to see that movie again, and hell, I need to read the comic again. Loved it.

V5, is that the first time you have seen Judge Dread????
I finally saw Event Horizon last night. I thought it was excellent and probably the creepiest movie I've ever seen. I actually couldn't sleep last night because of this movie.

That's one of my favorite science fiction/horror movies. In an era when sci-fi films tend to suck balls, that movie was a breath of fresh air.
'Event Horizon' is really really cool, except it's funny you really can't get a satisfying resolution/ending/explanation to the movie literally just because of the nature of what it's about. Great stuff though.

Been scared off of seeing 'Watchmen' because of all the trash tossed at it..maybe if someone buys for me..

T4 looks very surprisingly epic...

About to watch '2001' and bonuses on the computer later..
Saw Watchmen on Saturday.
I haven't read the entire comic, so I can't really compare the 2, but I thought the movie alone was absolutely excellent.
One of the best I've seen in a while, probably an 8.5 or 9.

I ended up eating a supreme weed brownie before seeing The Watchmen. This movie was just a bit too long for me, and my heart was beating like crazy throughout the whole thing. I shouldn't of eaten that brownie.
can't say enough good things about Event Horizon. When Laurence Fishburne talks about fire at zero gravity...I've never wanted to see something so bad.

I watched The Dark Crystal this weekend and absolutely loved it. Jim Henson and Frank Oz were gods. It really made me sad that CGI has taken over. What they did with puppetry was just amazing mixed with their ability to craft a really rich story, even for a kids movie, just makes for an extremely pleasant viewing experience.