The Official Movie Thread

Yeah, it's definitely a very worthy film, partly just because Edward Norton is a fucking fantastic actor and he's surrounded by a solid cast. Great performances in that film.
American History X was a good film, despite its pretentious didacticism.

i can't get over things like that, man. plus it goes beyond mere pretension into the realms of self-contradiction half the time. i find this essay quite definitive in that regard.

i don't particularly like AHX on a stylistic level, either. norton's good though yeah. better than usual.
Haha, you would probably disagree with me then when I say he's in the upper echelon of the best contemporary actors (along with Philip Seymour Hoffman, Sean Penn, Chiwetel Ejiofor, etc.).

I'll read that essay when I get the chance, I'm interested in what it has to say.
oh he's capable of diversity and great presence and nuance but i dunno, he seems to have lost it. every time i see him these days he either seems like he doesn't give a shit or he's trying too hard (or both, i.e. 'the illusionist'). quite liked him in '25th hour' though which is vaguely recent.

edit: was just reading a 25th hour review and came across this: 'But Norton is increasingly an actor swallowed whole by his self-satisfaction and never quite finds the rhythm of his character. He lacks the potential energy he once exhibited in uneven work like American History X and Fight Club, content to float on a toxic cloud of early promise and late arrogance.'

i can actually see how that applies in other films more than that one.

the others you listed are all p great (saw ejiofor in redbelt recently and thought he was excellent - as was the film actually), man i love PSH. add damien lewis to that list.

speaking of great performances and TDK, i'm glad people are starting to come around to the idea that eckhart was better than ledger.
Damn right. :cool:

@no country
Eckhart was great because of the subtlety. Ledger was fabulous (I thought), but his performance is so outrageous and abrasive; which is how it's supposed to be, so that's fine.

Eckhart's performance begins with so much subtlety, and then he has to actually undergo a transformation, which is hard for some actors to pull off in the course of a film (Norton had to do it for American History X, which is one reason why I loved him in that movie). Also, it really is the sign of a talented actor when he or she knows when and how to ease off and let another character have its moment. Ledger took up so much space in that film, it must have been difficult for the other actors to figure out how to make their own characters shine through. Eckhart did a fantastic job of doing so, and then towards the end his heart really poured out. Fantastic performance all around.
watched Adventureland today. It was decent. It brought a good amount of lawls, plus one very memorable one. The end was boring, but hey what the hell it was a decent comedy.
I saw this movie and thought it was really good. I think it was advertised poorly though. The commercials portrayed it basically as another Superbad clone, but whereas Superbad was a comedy with a little bit of drama to make it more real and touching, Adventureland was more of a drama with a some comedy to add some humor to an otherwise depressing or at best bittersweet story. One of the better parts about it was that the side characters who are often reduces to stereotypes in most comedies were actually fleshed out and seemed realistic, which I think helped both the dramatic and comedic aspects of the movie have more of an impact. I'd recommend seeing this movie.
Sorry to double post but has anyone here seen The Room? It is a hilariously bad movie that is good in both its terribleness and sincere earnestness. Its become something of a cult classic, especially among comedians. I highly recommend watching it, or at least checking out the clips on youtube.
I think I saw a mini-series called The Room once. Something about a room in a motel, upon entering which people disappeared or came out transformed, or something.
I never made it to the end.
He's talking about the independent film that came out and has a cult following due to its seemingly unintentional humor. People in it are unbelievably melodramatic and serious, and it just makes the movie laughable.

I haven't seen it, but I've read about it before. The director/writer/producer claims its "oddness" was intentional, but lots of audience members think he just made an awesomely crappy film.
I really doubt that it was intentional. If it was intentional I don't think it would've been as funny. There are bizarre plot points that are revealed and then don't matter, there are characters just appear unintroduced, and the main character/director/writer/producer is just a terrible actor. One of my favorite things that happened was when one character explained to another character in detail (a good few minutes) an irrelevant story that was also shown in the movie. I really recommend seeing The Room. It defies description.

Here's a clip:
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That's fucking hilarious. I also watched the one where he goes "You're tearing me apart Lisa!" If that's him trying to act, it seriously one of the funniest things I've ever seen.
Can anyone recommend me a good scary movie from say the last 10 years? I'm in the mood for something not too heavy, something with some decent thrills and shocks. Sorry about the vagueness of this request but I'm not about to write a list of everything I've seen.
I can't say I've seen a lot of good horror films lately. It seems like all the good ones are swept under the rug. No one likes psychological horror anymore.

At any rate, I've heard the movie The Devil's Chair is scary. Apparently it's extremely violent and gory as well, so maybe it's not what you're looking for. I personally like psychological horror. Violence is fine, but not when it becomes what the film relies on.
Can anyone recommend me a good scary movie from say the last 10 years? I'm in the mood for something not too heavy, something with some decent thrills and shocks. Sorry about the vagueness of this request but I'm not about to write a list of everything I've seen.

Have you seen The Descent or Event Horizon? Both were pretty decent horror movies, though Event Horizon may be more than 10 years old (it doesn't look like it though)