The Official Movie Thread

This could be promising:

Eastern Promises opened in the summer of 2007 and it easily became one of my favorite movies of the year, and one of my favorite Viggo Mortensen movies ever. The movie didn’t get as big of a release as it deserved but it received great critical praise (88% on Rotten Tomatoes) and an Oscar nod for its leading man.

If you liked the first movie as much as I did, I have some good news for you! In an exclusive interview with MTV, the director of Eastern Promises, David Cronenberg, revealed that he and the folks behind the first movie are interested in doing a sequel and are already starting to plan it out.

“We are moving forward with it… We all are excited about the idea of doing a sequel.”

When he says “we” he’s referring to himself, Viggo, Steven Knight, Paul Webster and Focus Features (the studio behind the first film). Steven Knight and Paul Webster were the writer and producer of Eastern Promises respectively.

That’s fantastic news in my eyes, especially since it emphasizes that everyone from the first movie is united in their interest in making a follow-up film and therefore, it’ll be done right and for the right reasons.

“We are going to have a meeting very soon between me, Steven Knight and Paul Webster to discuss what the script would be,” Cronenberg said. “I have some very strong ideas about what I would like to see, but I would like to hear what they have to say as well. And then after that, if all goes well, Steve goes away and writes a great script. If we all like it, we make it.”

If all things go well and a solid script is presented to kick-start the movie’s production, we’ll be seeing the Cronenberg-Mortensen pairing for the third time (the first being with A History of Violence), and Cronenberg’s first ever sequel to one of his own films. The director has nothing but great things to say about Mr. Mortensen:

“Viggo is a very special guy… I consider him a personal friend and we communicate all the time. That doesn’t always happen with actors. He’s very serious about his acting. But he’s really a funny guy. We laugh a lot. We giggle a lot.”

The first film featured the powerful cast of Viggo Mortensen, Naomi Watts, Vincent Cassel and Armin Mueller-Stahl but there’s no word yet on any re-appearances of other original characters.

^That movie seemed to be going pretty well, but as it ended I felt very unsatisfied. Can't remember if it was a general feeling or if there were reasons why. I almost feel like, instead of a sequel, they should have just had a better wrap up for the end of the first movie. I don't know. It just seemed dumb when it ended.
Saw Let The Right One In last night. I was pretty underwhelmed. Not sure if I'm missing something.

Also wasn't too impressed with the Where The Wild Things Are trailer. It made it look like it's trying to be too "indie" and be a hit with the hipster crowd. Those people get super nostalgic, and it seems like it's going to cash in on that.
Eastern Promises angered me because I thought the whole time that it would be an action movie from the way the previews went, then it turned out that the only action took place with Viggo's salami slappin' around everywhere.
eastern promises is really cool, i like AHoV more though. i'm surprised he's planning on doing a sequel, but intrigued. david cronenberg's beyond criticism for me.

MoL's point about the WTWTA trailer is a good one but i like that trailer a ton more than most indie movie trailers for the same reason i like the arcade fire more than most indie; there's real darkness and pain and wonder shining through the cuteness and sentimentality. also liking the rumours that it's been making child viewers 'depressed', haha. but yeah, if i end up being underwhelmed by this movie then you've just outlined the reason why.

let the right one in kind of suffers in the second half, whenever it focuses on anyone other than the two leads it falters. love the romance though.
Just watched eXistenZ, and I believe it gave me an item for my to-do list:

  • Stand up in class and yell "eXistenZ is PAUSED!!"