The Official Movie Thread

I don't know how you can critique that film this way but not point out the obvious hollywood-ness to social network. The Wrestler was amazing and I thought Black Swan was as well

For the record, I haven't seen The Social Network yet. Aronofsky employed the most basic literary technique (in my opinion) in Black Swan: to allegorize the main premise of the film with a parallel narrative. It was hackneyed and simplistic when compared to the majority of his work.
I've heard so much praise from the Social Network. I passed it up because the same people that talked about how Inception was the best movie of all time said pretty much the same thing about that movie...over facebook nontheless.
I just saw The Social Network for the first time the other night. I'm really difficult to please when it comes to film, but I enjoyed it. I don't know if I'd call it a great film, but it was certainly interesting, and entertaining. It struck me as a pretty angry film overall, you know with that whole 'pissed off nerd takes his revenge on the world' sort of thing done really convincingly. I can sympathize, except I don't do anything lucrative. The whole thing seems to be a lesson in some very basic facts of male psychology. There are much, much worse things out there to check out.

edit: Also, a question for the film buffs: I've been wanting to check out some of Tarkovsky's films. What is a good introduction to his work? There's a rental place that has a bunch of his films and I'm planning on getting Nostalghia and Andrei Rublev the next time I go in there. Are these pretty representative of his work?
not sure i really want to start this up again but... the social network is a pretty nasty, cynical film with no likeable characters and a black ending. where's the hollywood-ness exactly?

Just because the premise of an unlikeable cast doesn't mean it's not hollywood, the writing and portrayal of some characters in my opinion was much more hollywood than Black Swan

For the record, I haven't seen The Social Network yet. Aronofsky employed the most basic literary technique (in my opinion) in Black Swan: to allegorize the main premise of the film with a parallel narrative. It was hackneyed and simplistic when compared to the majority of his work.

Guess I confused avatars, my mistake. I don't see how it's so one dimensional that makes it bad, The Wrestler was the same really, not so much of a discussion of what happened in the end, it's just a great story that personally was interested in.
I just expected more from him. Portman's performance was fantastic, but hers was the only great one. The reason I enjoyed The Wrestler more was because I thought it offered more interesting characters.
...but it did not offer a lesbian sex scene :)


Just watched this. Very explicit and brutal movie about organ trading in Japan.
edit: Also, a question for the film buffs: I've been wanting to check out some of Tarkovsky's films. What is a good introduction to his work? There's a rental place that has a bunch of his films and I'm planning on getting Nostalghia and Andrei Rublev the next time I go in there. Are these pretty representative of his work?

Andrei Rublev is one of his most famous films, so it wouldn't be a bad idea to watch it. The thing with Tarkovsky is you really have to have patience. He's not exactly the most engaging of film makers. Stalker is a classic of his, and it pissed me off. Three hours of wandering around. Solaris is really good. I've seen a couple of others as well. I don't know...I think he's pretty hit and miss with me.
i think tarkovsky's mastered the medium better than any other director ever, and although his films are difficult they do incredible things to your mind, but they operate more like poetry than a novel, so don't expect some kind of concrete narrative. this is gonna sound trite as fuck but watching tarkovsky is about the closest i've ever got to having what i'd describe as a spiritual experience. 'mirror' is probably the best one, but i dunno about places to start... there isn't really an *accessible* tarkovsky film. 'nostalghia' is maybe my least favourite that i've seen, and i haven't seen 'andrei rublev' but i know it's highly rated so maybe give that a try.
I've been meaning to check out the Scott Pilgrim comics for quite some time and now that they made a movie from it that also is pretty good apparently (haven't watched it yet) I need to do it even more.
i think tarkovsky's mastered the medium better than any other director ever, and although his films are difficult they do incredible things to your mind, but they operate more like poetry than a novel, so don't expect some kind of concrete narrative. this is gonna sound trite as fuck but watching tarkovsky is about the closest i've ever got to having what i'd describe as a spiritual experience. 'mirror' is probably the best one, but i dunno about places to start... there isn't really an *accessible* tarkovsky film. 'nostalghia' is maybe my least favourite that i've seen, and i haven't seen 'andrei rublev' but i know it's highly rated so maybe give that a try.

The visuals in Stalker are just incredible. I don't remember anything about the Mirror or Andrei Rublev.
Watching some films..haven't done that in awhile;

The Fighter I watched first, thought it was a good story, but nothing to me made it incredibly amazing or a film I would ever look for over and over again. Also think that Bale's performance was overrated, I like Bale but not his best role and he's done much better.

Just finished Maria Full With Grace, and this was pretty much great. It's set in Colombia following Maria, a 17 year old that is currently working in a flower plantation and back home she has her cliche boyfriend and family problems when she quits her job these opportunities open up and the film turns into a hopeful movie after some shady segment, all in all was great. All in spanish though if you are not the subtitle type, aka gay.

Also watched Trees Lounge featuring Steve Buscemi and a forgettable Baldwin brother haha but this was also great. Highly recommend this, from 1996.