The Official Movie Thread

Listen cocksucker there is no Keyser Söze!
The Other Guys - I have no idea why, but I thought this was pretty damn funny. Will Ferrell doesn't bother me like he does a lot of people and although the movie itself wasn't amazing, a lot of the dialogue was great. He and Wahlberg played well off of each other.

The Social Network - Wasn't sure what to expect from this one (buzz aside) and ended up liking it quite a bit. Eisenberg did an amazing job.

Despicable Me - Decent CGI flick. Had some funny moments but was still kind of run-of-the-mill. I did like the villain vs. villain thing.
so I watched "Abel Raises Cain" tonight. It's a documentary about Alan Abel, a man who's made a life/career out of being a professional hoaxster ever since the 50s or 60s. He is the original troll. It was amazing the shit he'd get away with and how much the media would buy into his bullshit. it was a great film. the man is a legend

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Just watched Extract, hilarious comedy. The metalhead truckdriver was fun as shit:


The little "grindcore" gig in the middle of the movie was also epic...
Legend of the Guardians - Amazing CGI, unnecessary movie. Hard to see where this would fit in between every other book to movie like this. I did like that this one was pretty dark and violent.

Enter The Void - Ahh Gaspar Noe. The man responsible for the one movie that really tweaked me, Irreversible. His newest plods along at a decent pace at first but then slows down to almost a crawl. The camera work is amazing as is the coloring. I'm sure Noe won't be happy until he puts an entire theater full of people down with seizures, either. All in all, I like what he did with this one and can see why he followed it through to the end. No single "holy shit" scene in this one although a couple came close.
Legend of the Guardians - Amazing CGI, unnecessary movie. Hard to see where this would fit in between every other book to movie like this. I did like that this one was pretty dark and violent.

Enter The Void - Ahh Gaspar Noe. The man responsible for the one movie that really tweaked me, Irreversible. His newest plods along at a decent pace at first but then slows down to almost a crawl. The camera work is amazing as is the coloring. I'm sure Noe won't be happy until he puts an entire theater full of people down with seizures, either. All in all, I like what he did with this one and can see why he followed it through to the end. No single "holy shit" scene in this one although a couple came close.

Legend of the Guardians was a piece of shit film
Aftermath - Pretty dumb. A necrophiliac might get off on it. Why spend all that time in attention to details with the gore yet have autopsies being conducted with wooden handled, riveted steak knives? Just no point other than to try to be the new goriest film on the block.

Salt - Decent enough. I do miss the days when Angelina's shirts came off easily.

The Town - Good one. Not up to "Departed" standards but definitely holds its own.