The Official Movie Thread

I found a documentary set in Charlottesville VA on Netflix last night (The Parking Lot Movie) so I had to watch that. It was pretty entertaining considering the subject matter, but mostly it just made me nostalgic for the town and all the fruity bohemian local youths there who make an art form out of pseudophilosophical generalization-filled ramblings.
I watched Downfall last night, a german speaking movie following the downfall of hitler in his bunker from I think april 20 1945 until the suicide and there after. Was fucking great tbh, recommend it to all!
I've started watching the Twilight Zone - the 1959 series , been planning to do that for some time. The plots are kind of simple, but nice, so it's interesting so far.
I want some recommendations. I've been having a thing for contemplative young adult indie dramas that largely consist of friends having introspective conversations with each other and trying to 'find themselves'. Not quite sure how I'd google something like this, haha.

* Old Joy
* Red Is the Color Of
* All the Days Before Tomorrow

I haven't seen any of the ones you mentioned, but I don't think you can go wrong with Linklater for talky movies. Try:
Before Sunrise
Before Sunset
Waking Life

Adventureland was pretty good, but it's not as big on the dialogue.
I haven't seen any of the ones you mentioned, but I don't think you can go wrong with Linklater for talky movies. Try:
Before Sunrise
Before Sunset
Waking Life

Adventureland was pretty good, but it's not as big on the dialogue.

Ah yeah, I should check out more Linklater movies. Waking Life and A Scanner Darkly are fantastic. I'll look for those others too. Thanks!
Really,really looking forward to watching True Grit at the cinema tommorow.Judging by the reviews and the fact that it's a Coen Bros western,I expect this to be thoroughly awesome!!
Saw Catfish tonight, very strange movie and a bit too drawn out, but interesting and enjoyable.

Saw Black Swan last week, loved it. Also saw The King's Speech, which I found really boring. Everyone seems to be raving about it for some reason though.
Saw The Squid and the Whale, didn't like it very much. I always thought it would be similar to Kramer vs. Kramer or Scenes from a Marriage, but instead it focuses on two annoying and overly witty and well articulated kids.
This looks tasty...and Sean Bean is quite good!