The Official Movie Thread

Watched The Last Detail last night, Jack Nicholson and a young Randy Quaid star in this tale of a two Seaman taking another Seaman to jail, in a week and morality and everything come into play. Fantastic story, made in '75

Watched Smoke before that, good film with Harvey Keitel as the owner a little Smoke Shop and some customers that come in and their lives that follow..Forest Whitaker is in it as well, and I think the black dude was the guy in Lost :loco: .. not as good as The Last Detail but pretty good as well

Lastly watched The Ice Storm, starring a few big names now as teenagers, follows two families during a few days and finally ending in the ice storm. Pretty good film, interestingly enough.
finally got around to watching Rescue Dawn last night starring Christian Bale and Steve Zahn, and directed by the almighty Werner Herzog. It was pretty good. It definitely seems like one of Bale's more underrated roles. Herzog is still the man, and of course, he just seems perfectly at home in the jungle. good stuff

Šašek a královna
I haven't finished watching this one yet but I'm really enjoying it so far. It's a peculiar and interesting film with some great medieval imagery and costumes and an excellent atmosphere to it. It's about a man who day dreams that he's a jester back in medieval ages.

Gregg Araki's Kaboom
A lot better than his last couple films, but not on par with his early classics. This one actually started off really well but the ending, although it seemed to be written with humour in mind, seemed really half-assed and rather stupid. Overall, I still really enjoyed it.

I finally got around to watching this one. I had heard a lot about this one but was initially put off by the trailer (which makes it look like a typical horror film). Thankfully it wasn't, but it is an excellent and very powerful film.

I also saw Suspect Zero, In Dreams, and Seed which were all pretty lame.
i guess i'm so used to herzog and other weird artsy directors now though that i can't really remember what it's like to approach something like aguirre for the first time. but i don't get how you can be underwhelmed by something so ridiculously otherworldly and singular; a film with one of the craziest lead performances ever, arguably the greatest soundtrack ever, basically the same plot as apocalypse now 'cept even more intense and wild, etcetc. just don't get it. the opening and closing scenes are masterpieces in themselves, whole thing's amazingly gorgeous to look at - not pretty, but that wild, savage beauty that herzog's made his own. the incredible amount of bizarre and hilarious stories behind the making of the film are absolutely ridiculous - it was shot on one stolen camera?! he stole the monkeys by pretending to be a vet?! kinski shot one of the extras?! herzog pulled a gun on kinski to prevent him from walking out?! i mean there's just so much to be fascinated by even if somehow you aren't hypnotised by the atmosphere and strange, oddly tragic narrative.
Art Of The Devil II - Thai horror/gore film. Besides being horribly acted, confusing, and stupidly campy, this was only offered terribly dubbed which brought it down even more. Crap.

Saints and Soldiers - During WWII, a small group of Americans must get through German lines with some critical intelligence. Could have been better. It just moved too fast to develop any sort of impact.
Last movies watched.

The Town.
Law Abiding Citizen.
Machete. I have it on DVD.:)
watched a film last night called Timecrimes (Los Cronocrimenes), and it was outstanding. Think if Hitchcock directed Primer. Same basic concept. Man travels through time and has to deal with his doubles. But there's a more suspenseful element to this film, and it isn't as hardcore science-y as Primer. Definitely worth watching

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watched a film last night called Timecrimes (Los Cronocrimenes), and it was outstanding. Think if Hitchcock directed Primer. Same basic concept. Man travels through time and has to deal with his doubles. But there's a more suspenseful element to this film, and it isn't as hardcore science-y as Primer. Definitely worth watching

these time-travelly mindfuck movies are gimmicky and empty but 'timecrimes' is good for what it is i guess, way better than 'primer' anyway. check out 'triangle' if you like these two.
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