The Official Movie Thread

Great? The 1st hour was funny enough, 2nd hour was all but interminable. That part where they go around busting the whole town was so tiresome and predictable. They should have found a faster way for it to end after he discovered who was responsible and found that secret circle at the church.
I've been meaning to check out both Eternal Sunshine and Science of Sleep...they look like movies I might enjoy

Michel Gondry is definitely a very talented director, I'd recommend you check out all his films. Human Nature is my fave of his. I wouldn't mind seeing Science of Sleep again. I was really tired when I watched it, I should have rented some mindless action or something instead. The surrealism was all a bit much.
Mathiäs;6542793 said:
That movie is tremendously overrated. It isn't all that funny.

The first half of the movie is way funnier than the last; the last just kind of drags on.
Borat was funny for what it was - a bunch of skits tied badly together to make a movie. I laughed much harder at the original Borat skits on the Ali G show. Some of the extras on the dvd were funnier than what he put in the movie I thought.

Hot Fuzz was ok, as was Shaun of the Dead, but those guys can do better. The first series of Big Train was absolute comedy gold.
Well, you can't approach it in the same way as you would American Pie, if that's what you were expecting. I mean, it was a funny and important film in the same way 'This Is Spinal Tap' was. Hot Fuzz was just solid modern humor on a flimsy base of cliche after cliche.
Has anyone seen The Fountain? If you have, what was your opinion? I saw it but I was high so I didn't know what to make of it.

absolutely fucking gorgeous film...if you're not a weepy mess by the end of the film, you have no soul. it pretty much solidifies Darron Aronofsky as a great filmmaker (especially since 98% of the film was done without CGI)

also, don't listen to alter's opinion on the film.
absolutely fucking gorgeous film...if you're not a weepy mess by the end of the film, you have no soul. it pretty much solidifies Darron Aronofsky as a great filmmaker (especially since 98% of the film was done without CGI)

also, don't listen to alter's opinion on the film.

Booooll crap. I also read the cg artist interviews and all that, but saying the movie don't have lots of effects through a stupid percentage is just... stupid. In lack of other words to describe it. Maybe 2% of the budget was cg, but a lot more than 2% of the frames in the finished cut included cg. Also, when was use of interesting cg bad anyway?
Other than that, it was indeed a great movie. I have seen it four times, waiting for the HD to arrive in my mail and purchased the glorious soundtrack. I think the reason a lot of people don't like it is because it is or can seem like one of those movies who make a big fuzz about themselves being uber intelligent and emotional. But I liked it for what it was and the soundtrack fucking rules.
It was certainly despairing and beautiful, that's for sure. I'm just not so convinced why narratives across three periods of time were absolutely necessary to the film's effect, or that they were used by Aronofsky as if they were necessary. I also found the meaning of film was extremely broad in scope - you could interpret it in so many ways, whether this is good or bad i don't know but it did test my patience a bit.