The Official Movie Thread

Really guys? I thought Prometheus was disappointing.

Granted, I do have some ideas that might justify (or at least rationalize, for me) what I saw as its weaker moments. The script particularly I felt was muddled and weak, and didn't offer much in the way of philosophical ideas, which was what it marketed itself as providing.

As far as action and effects go, it was transcendental.
I read some reviews that completely trashed it as insubstantial CG wankery and based on the plot synopsis it looks like a cross between AVP and Event Horizon.
I liked Prometheus, but it's certainly a completely different film from Alien. Whereas Alien was subtle and relied very much on atmosphere, Prometheus is about as subtle as a brick. That being said, it creates some very interesting questions that relate to the rest of the Alien canon. I think Ridley Scott should've stayed away from some of the deeper, religious philosophical stuff and just focused on a tight narrative. That would've been better.
sure its "philosophical ideas" were at teenage-level existentialism bullshit and the plot wasnt exactly brilliant. but for me it was all about the intense action sequences / special effects, as well as slimy aliens and bodily horror stuff and the movie definitely delivered in those areas. also, Fassbender and Rapace were great
I wasn't disappointed at all with Prometheus. It was visually amazing, and quite a few of the setpieces were breathtaking. To watch a movie about travelling a trillion miles to encounter aliens, and then complain about scientific inconsistencies... I'll just say I've found a lot of the internet reaction to be quite baffling. And it's not like it turned into a Michael Bay movie in the third act.

I can actually see now why everyone involved said this wasn't an Alien prequel. It doesn't set up the events of Alien at all, and it very much is just another story in the same universe. I'm guessing a lot of the negativity is from people who wanted this to be as good or better than Alien or Aliens, and that's just not all that realistic.
sure its "philosophical ideas" were at teenage-level existentialism bullshit and the plot wasnt exactly brilliant. but for me it was all about the intense action sequences / special effects, as well as slimy aliens and bodily horror stuff and the movie definitely delivered in those areas. also, Fassbender and Rapace were great

This parallels your views on sexuality entirely.
Well, I went nuts over the weekend and made little blog post about Prometheus. Some people will probably hate me for it, but hopefully some find it interesting.