The Official Movie Thread

Just watched:

I Saw the Devil
Dr. Lamb
The Chaser

I was disappointed with Dr. Lamb and didn't think it lived up to The Untold Story and Ebola Syndrome in terms of CAT III films. It didn't help that the translated subtitles were atrocious.

The other films (all Korean) were excellent. The Korean film industry compensates for the current lack of quality Hollywood films as far as I'm concerned.

I just finished watching a Chinese spy movie called Overheard, and it was pretty nice. Definitely left me curious about some more Asian film (apart from the Japanese variety that I'm already well-versed in), so I'll check out some of those movies.
Last movies watched

Wolf - very good film, some good ideas and interesting dialogues. Excellent performance by Michelle Pfeiffer, Jack Nicholson and James Spader.

Barry Lyndon - best movie I've ever seen... I can't find any word to describe it, just contemplation.
War Of The Arrows - Decent Japanese flick. Pretty thin story but good action throughout which is fine since I rented it to watch people get owned with a bow.

Exit Through The Gift Shop - Documentary on street art. Not my thing but it was interesting.
Torment, with screenplay by Bergman, about a sadistic Latin teacher. This guy doesn't mess around, I wonder how well Zephyrus would do in his classes.

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Saw The Cabin in the Woods today. Fun as hell, but didn't deserve the 92% it has on Rotten Tomatoes. Despite everything the reviews said, it didn't have much more to offer (as far as plot goes) after about halfway through. You pretty much have it figured at that point.

Still, lots of fun. Love the Hellraiser homage.
Just watched Poetry. Intriguing storyline but it was honestly too boring to warrant a second watch anytime soon.
Saw The Cabin in the Woods today. Fun as hell, but didn't deserve the 92% it has on Rotten Tomatoes. Despite everything the reviews said, it didn't have much more to offer (as far as plot goes) after about halfway through. You pretty much have it figured at that point.

Still, lots of fun. Love the Hellraiser homage.

I really didn't care for it at all. Even though I watched a Cam Torrent of it and it was a bit too dark in brightness(the deaths early on/midway through I couldn't really see); but still, how much better could it have been?
I love movies about drugs or intense criminal action flicks. Pulp Fiction, The Departed, type stuff.

If you haven't seen it, Old Boy, is a great flick to check out. Not sure what that falls under though.
I really didn't care for it at all. Even though I watched a Cam Torrent of it and it was a bit too dark in brightness(the deaths early on/midway through I couldn't really see); but still, how much better could it have been?

I loved the Hellraiser homage as well. I agree though, the plot was a bit predictable halfway through. I did not think the stoner guy lived though.
Rented Rise of the Planet of the Apes from Redbox and it was surprisingly good. John Lithgow as the demented father was a nice touch, and I was impressed at how well they traced the character development of the chimpanzee character.
Anyone got any recommendations for a newer film which is great? Foreign or domestic does not matter, just can't seem to find anything new enjoyable lately