The Official Movie Thread

Ken Park (2002) - First off I think it's bullshit that that film is 10 years old and still no North American distributors have the balls to put this out. I had to get a Russian import. No region code but still. Anyway, some things are a bit far fetched but I can actually compare some of the characters to people I know or at least new in high school. Like all of Larry Clark's films it's a love it or hate it thing.
I actually have that somewhere downstairs. Not a Russian on either I don't think. Anyway, it's okay. I'm a little older so his version of the typical teen I don't usually relate with.

Immortals - I should have liked it since I like this style but the plot seemed so weak and as a whole it felt sloppy. The gods fighting the titans was probably the best scene.
i guess there aren't any superhero fans on this forum
I found the latest Spiderman films to be horrible.
Actually, I've found pretty much every superhero movie I've seen except for the first two X-men and Nolan's Batman films to be horrible. So nope, not particularly high on my list I gotta say.
Jane Eyre was fantastic. beautiful dialogue, i wish people still talked like that. great acting by Mia Wasikowska and Magneto
A Very Harold and Kumar Christmas - Don't think I laughed once. Liked the first two but this was pretty shitty. NPH couldn't even save it.

thanx for the warning
i don't wanna go to the cinema to see a crappy movie
if i'm gonna see a crappy movie i'll wait till it's on video
Suspect Zero (2004) - Decent serial killer flick, but it fell apart in the end. Very interesting camerawork though.
Just watched:

I Saw the Devil
Dr. Lamb
The Chaser

I was disappointed with Dr. Lamb and didn't think it lived up to The Untold Story and Ebola Syndrome in terms of CAT III films. It didn't help that the translated subtitles were atrocious.

The other films (all Korean) were excellent. The Korean film industry compensates for the current lack of quality Hollywood films as far as I'm concerned.