The Official Movie Thread

Zombie Lake - Started with gratuitous puss shots in the first five minutes then went downhill. MST3K would have a blast with this one. Horrible effects, even more horrible acting... actually found myself laughing at some of the kill shots. Extra star because I think there was more full frontal female nudity than kills.
don't know if this one's been mentioned already, but anyone here ever see "The Seventh Seal" with Max von Sydow? I've read quite a bit of good things about it and i've kinda had the urge to check it out in one way, shape or form.

It's a great intro to Bergman's work. It brings up a lot of issues he explores in pretty much all of his movies: God, man, religion, death, relationships and nature. Like Prismatic said, check out Persona too. Winter Light is my favorite.
Check Hour of the Wolf for another good performance by Von Sydow, he really breaks down into pieces convincingly throughout the course of that movie.

Tip for anyone who likes minimalistic thriller/horror like Open Water, it's really tense.

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Margin Call - fucking great office drama. no explosions or special effects here, just smart dialogue and top-notch performances by Kevin Spacey and Paul Bettany. you dudes interested in financial/stock market stuff should check this out if you haven't already.
Men Behind The Sun - Meh. Some shock value but it's old and it only had English dubbing that sounded like when you watch the old Speed Racer cartoons.

Attack The Block - Not bad but the whole premise was pretty weak.

Merantau - Not as brutal as the Ong Bak movies but this had some cool fights and a few "fuck yeah!" moments. Way better acted. Used Silat instead of Muay Thai so not as much elbows and knees in peoples faces.
Zombie Lake - Started with gratuitous puss shots in the first five minutes then went downhill. MST3K would have a blast with this one. Horrible effects, even more horrible acting... actually found myself laughing at some of the kill shots. Extra star because I think there was more full frontal female nudity than kills.
Classic horribleness. I find it hilarious that for years Jean Rollin would flat out deny he made it.

The Evilmaker (2000) - Wicked low budget but more ambitious than most indie horror films try to be. If you can get past some awkward acting and visual effects this is real good. tl;dr review here: :cool:
Zombie Lake - Started with gratuitous puss shots in the first five minutes then went downhill. MST3K would have a blast with this one. Horrible effects, even more horrible acting... actually found myself laughing at some of the kill shots. Extra star because I think there was more full frontal female nudity than kills.

I just looked this up and apparently the director considers this his worst film and is actually so embarrassed by it that he went by an alias to cover up the fact that he directed it haha. I have to see that movie.
a new level of stupid

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The Big Empty (2003) - Finally saw this in it's entirety after seeing bits and peices of it on TV. Quite liked it. Obviously Lynch inspired, theres even a major character named Cowboy (no, it's not a Mulholland Drive rip off). Great looking movie too, great desert at night scenes.
The Untold Story(1993).

Chinese crime thriller/comedy that was surprising in it's sadism. 'Tis rare indeed to see a family of children sliced up on screen. Somehow it works and is well done for what it is. 84/100

For what it is? It's an excellent film and one of my all time favorites when it comes to horror. Anthony Wong's performance is superb.

I've been majorly getting into South Korean films lately. Nothing comes close to Chan-wook Park's Vengeance Trilogy but I've also loved Joint Security Area (another awesome Park film), The Man from Nowhere, Tae Guk Gi, Shiri, R-Point, The Good, the Bad, the Weird, etc. I have yet to see a bad film from the Korean film industry.

I love the way this scene is filmed.

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I was going to recommend I Saw the Devil but I assumed anyone interested in Korean cinema would have already seen it.