The Official Movie Thread

i hated Drive, boring and predictable story, slow-ass pacing, lame acting (Gosling and Mulligan were like in fucking Twilight staring at each other and shit), cheesy gore, etc.

i havent seen Woman in Black but it does look awesome

Chronicle looks like a gay teen movie but i'll see it just cuz of the rave reviews it's been getting
Tidal Wave - High budget Korean disaster film. An hour and fifteen minutes of characters you'd LOVE to see get mowed down by a wall of water and a half hour of said characters surviving getting hit point blank by a mega-tsunami in the face. One star for shaking the fuck out of my house.
The Fly (1986) - I loathe remakes. I find the current trend of remakes to be an absolute black hole of creativity. Now here's where you can call me a hypocrite. The Fly rules. It's what happens when you get a visionary like Cronenberg at the wheel. What he did with the basic blueprint of the original, and the places he took it. Fucking awesome. Matter of fact, that's what seperates the 3 "big" remakes of the 80's (the other's being The Thing and The Blob) from the skid stains being left by the studios today. All 3 expanded upon ideas. I'll end this min-rant now but yeah. Cronenberg rules, hard.
There's another The Fly re-make coming out this year.

By the way, Geena Davis is unbelievably hot in the 1986 re-make. You're turned on and disgusted by that movie at the same time.
I never knew there was an 'original', worth seeing?
It's a fun movie. Campy 50's sci-fi.

Runk said:
There's another The Fly re-make coming out this year.
Shocking. /sarcasm. Cronenberg has said he's written a "sort of sequel:

"I have written a script that is more of a strange lateral, let's say oblique sequel than it is a true sequel, and it's certainly not a remake of the original. It's financed by Fox, and whether it will get made or not, I cannot say at the moment because there are a lot of up-in-the-air factors that deal with internal studio politics and a bunch of other things that I'm not in control of. But I would make it if they greenlight it, let's put it that way."
i remember seeing the "maggot baby" nightmare in that movie as a kid. it was a horrible experience
Speaking of remakes, there's talk about a Hellraiser remake. I'm a big Hellraiser fan, so I'd be interested in seeing a re-do of the original story.

This video is of a concept to redesign Pinhead. It was done by the original Hellraiser make-up effects designer upon hearing about a possible remake. This might be his design if he were hired to work on a remake.

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Speaking of remakes, there's talk about a Hellraiser remake. I'm a big Hellraiser fan, so I'd be interested in seeing a re-do of the original story.
I'm not. I find it to be completly fucking unnecessary like every other "re-boots" or whatever the hell you wanna call what the studio's have shit out over the last decade. Do you honestly think whoever does this can even come close to what Barker achieved with the first film?
I'm not. I find it to be completly fucking unnecessary like every other "re-boots" or whatever the hell you wanna call what the studio's have shit out over the last decade. Do you honestly think whoever does this can even come close to what Barker achieved with the first film?

Most remakes do suck. But I usually see them anyway just to see how it was done. I sometimes hope for something equal if not better than the original, but you're right man, I doubt anyone can come close to what Clive Barker created. Still, I'm curious.
Most remakes do suck. But I usually see them anyway just to see how it was done. I sometimes hope for something equal if not better than the original, but you're right man, I doubt anyone can come close to what Clive Barker created. Still, I'm curious.
The whole idea of "updating" the story comes off as insulting to me. Hellraiser dosen't need any updates. It's still one of the most unique and original films ever made. The gore effects are astounding. I guarantee you if it gets remade all the hooks and chains will be digital and Franks rebirth will look completly cartoonish.