The Official Movie Thread

Went to see The Amazing Spider-Man today. And I must say I was impressed, the whole story build-up was really good. and I like the fact it's Gwen Stacy instead of Mary Jane. Because Emma Stone absolutely fucking nailed the role, she's just so Nerdy and cute which makes her so sexy.
So, it's Friday over here now, which means The Dark Knight Rises comes out today. Think I'm going to see it on Saturday though. Speaking of TDKR, has anyone seen Bronson, which Tom Hardy stars in. Fucking brilliant movie imo.

I went to see Snow White and the Huntsman recently since there wasn't really anything else I wanted to see. It's not as bad as you might think. It's nothing amazing but it passed the time. There was one scene that I'm positive was a reference to Princess Mononoke. That was really cool. It's certainly better than that awful Red Riding Hood movie that came out last year.

The writing and dialogue was really terrible, and Nolan in my opinion is the only comic book director dude who has lots if not most realism in these films and the last one was a stretch in many points...the last two batman's were amazing but the story wasn't even that good, and I don't think anyone had any idea where it was going until the end
The movie is about a masked vigilante who fights crime by flying around in his super-badass helicopter. How realistic do you want it to be? It's Batman.

And isn't it kinda the point to not know where the story goes until the end? Don't you want to be surprised and satisfied?
I don't think you can fully appreciate the first two films if you do not give credit to Nolan's realism to the films. I've also assumed he's on a steady decline since he got famous, guess his good films are over with.
And isn't it kinda the point to not know where the story goes until the end? Don't you want to be surprised and satisfied?

Everybody at the Theatre of Dionysus in Athens in 429 BCE knew how Oedipus Tyrannus was going to end before Sophocles even started the show. I'm sure most of them were still surprised and satisfied, but not by how it ended, but how the story played out.

rms does have a point.
it was too long
forget that it's batman, it's a goddamn superhero movie, i wanna see the hero guy defeat the villain guy and i wanna see it done in just under 2 hours, once you get past the 2-hour mark, you're just cramming to much crap into a superhero movie

there was just way too many references to the first 2 movies, everyone already understands that the 3 Nolan-directed movies were a single movie-universe, but the 3rd movie really beats us over the head with it

the whole last 15 min looks like a set-up for a 4th movie, except...there's not going to be one...what the fucking hell, man?!?!?

Ra's Al-Ghoul's Daughter being in the movie really came out of left field, if you were going to put Talia in the trilogy you should have mentioned Ra's having a daughter in the 1st movie, also in the comics it's explained that Ra's sperm is messed up and he can only produce female children, and i would have loved to see this in the movie

in the comic, we see bane as a bony guy transforming into a bulky muscular guy through the use of one of the DC owned fictional steroid-type drugs, seeing that in the movie could have been done where it looked good, like the way Marvel did it with Captain America

Tom Hardy was the guy walking around as Bane, but the obviously voiced-over voice sounded like Sean Connery

Anne Hathaway was the absolute worst possible actress to play Cat Woman, Hathaway would have been perfect for a live-action-version of Princess Clara, a white-version of Hillary Banks, an extraterrestrial walking around NYC pretending to be a female human if it's done as a comedy, but for Cat Woman, Hathaway just looks bad, distractingly bad, the eyes are just too big, the costume looks horrible (in comparison to michelle phifer's costume) and catwoman's dialogue and role in the film were just done badly, the only people that liked her in this movie were the people that already had a hard-on for Hathaway BEFORE she was casted, if that was the case, her catwoman could be considered the worst role in her career
You should have some real reasons to dislike a film, not that crap. Not sure what I see wrong with Hathaway as catwoman, especially in her first scene I thought she portrayed it very well.
I think a lot of people developed predispositions to dislike Hathaway as Catwoman.

I haven't seen the film yet, but I'm prepared to be underwhelmed. The Nolan's installments have never been favorites for me, but I enjoy them; so basically I'm just not expecting much else other than to be entertained.

I'm sure most of them were still surprised and satisfied, but not by how it ended, but how the story played out.

You realize this is rather vague and could be interpreted as exactly the same thing (I assume you're referring to the cathartic response that Classical Tragedy draws from its audience).