The Official Movie Thread

The Amazing Spider Man - Fail to see the reason for a reboot. While not terrible, some scenes were laugh-worthy (construction workers). Not sure who clears that kind of drivel for the script. Action scenes were pretty good.
Spider man is stupid period, so they felt they needed to make that skinny faggot look even more fake duh..
Savages, a movie about drugs and kidnapping Blake Lively for ransom kept me interested throughout.
Saw Kill List the other day. I'd wanted to see it since it got so much publicity at Frightfest last year but never got around to it until now.

The Amazing Spider Man - Fail to see the reason for a reboot. While not terrible, some scenes were laugh-worthy (construction workers). Not sure who clears that kind of drivel for the script. Action scenes were pretty good.

Spider man is stupid period, so they felt they needed to make that skinny faggot look even more fake duh..

if you guys thought the re-boot was un-neccassarry, you're going to hate this

You guys should see her movies :)

i watch ALOT of porn, but i seriously don't recognize her
tell me her name and she'll be my new favorite pornstar
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All you true film watchers should check out, Your Sister's's a pretty good drama/character study movie.

Obscure, check out Secret Sunshine, it was good man. Depressing movie though haha
if you guys thought the re-boot was un-neccassarry, you're going to hate this

i watch ALOT of porn, but i seriously don't recognize her
tell me her name and she'll be my new favorite pornstar
Holly Michaels, her videos aren't everywhere though I can link you some of her videos in a PM.

Just watched Undisputed 3 for the 3rd time in 4 weeks, best fight movie ever made, Scott Adkins is also pretty badass in expendables 2, he could kick them old fuckers asses any day :lol:
Holly Michaels, her videos aren't everywhere though I can link you some of her videos in a PM.
yes, PM me links to her vids

Just watched Undisputed 3 for the 3rd time in 4 weeks, best fight movie ever made, Scott Adkins is also pretty badass in expendables 2, he could kick them old fuckers asses any day :lol:

I'm a comic-book-dork
i'm just waiting for more superhero movies
kinda waiting for this
I'm about 10 minutes into Hunger Games, and I have to pause the movie so my eyes can take a rest. Could they make the camera shake anymore!? So annoying.

I'm debating whether I want to finish this.
this movie was messed up

and i loved it. brilliant premise
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