The Official Movie Thread


I'm about 10 minutes into Hunger Games, and I have to pause the movie so my eyes can take a rest. Could they make the camera shake anymore!? So annoying.

I'm debating whether I want to finish this.

the "shaky camera thing" is supposed to make you sympathize with the principal protagonist Katniss Everdeen

the camera stops the shaky thing durring the parts where she's in The Capitol
the "shaky camera thing" is supposed to make you sympathize with the principal protagonist Katniss Everdeen

Yea, I read a review from the director, according to him he added the shaky camera bit and the many zoomed in shots, to make it feel more like the book.

Here's a quote:

"Yeah, it’s a very urgent first-person narrative. I tried to put you in Katniss’s shoes the way [author] Suzanne Collins put you in Katniss’s shoes. I wanted to take you through the world using this kind of serpentine tunnel vision that Katniss has."

I understand his intent for doing that, but it, at least for me anyway, has ruined the movie. My eyes can't focus on anything and the movie just makes me dizzy, I had to turn it off. It's to bad, I was looking forward to watching this to.
the camera stops the shaky thing durring the parts where she's in The Capitol

it's like a whole seperate movie
while the book is a first-person-narrative, (Katniss Everdeen the narrarator) the movie (after the first 20 min) spends a lot of time looking at stuff that Katniss couldn't poosibly know about, in a way that looks awesome, it helps with the world-building, and (don't want to give spoilers) the parts Katniss couldn't have described herself were just a giant set-up for the sequel (the book series was a trilogy and the last book will be cut up into 2 movies the same as Twilight and Harry Potter)
Jaws 2 isn't a bad movie. Kinda feels like the first one, only less shark more dialogue, which isn't always a bad thing. As for Jaws 3, it has it's moments, but it still sucks compared to 1 and 2. Jaws 4 however, is a completely different story. They must have been shitfaced when they made it.
Jaws 2 isn't a bad movie. Kinda feels like the first one, only less shark more dialogue, which isn't always a bad thing. As for Jaws 3, it has it's moments, but it still sucks compared to 1 and 2. Jaws 4 however, is a completely different story. They must have been shitfaced when they made it.

Did you have a jaws marathon?
Yea, I read a review from the director, according to him he added the shaky camera bit and the many zoomed in shots, to make it feel more like the book.

Here's a quote:

"Yeah, it’s a very urgent first-person narrative. I tried to put you in Katniss’s shoes the way [author] Suzanne Collins put you in Katniss’s shoes. I wanted to take you through the world using this kind of serpentine tunnel vision that Katniss has."

I understand his intent for doing that, but it, at least for me anyway, has ruined the movie. My eyes can't focus on anything and the movie just makes me dizzy, I had to turn it off. It's to bad, I was looking forward to watching this to.

it's like a whole seperate movie
while the book is a first-person-narrative, (Katniss Everdeen the narrarator) the movie (after the first 20 min) spends a lot of time looking at stuff that Katniss couldn't poosibly know about, in a way that looks awesome, it helps with the world-building, and (don't want to give spoilers) the parts Katniss couldn't have described herself were just a giant set-up for the sequel (the book series was a trilogy and the last book will be cut up into 2 movies the same as Twilight and Harry Potter)

seriosuly about half an hour into the movie, the whole "shaky camera" thing totally stops and you've got a really spectacularly made movie
First two Jaws movies are the shit. I never really understood why either.

Anyone sick and tired of seeing movies coming out and you can see them in 3d ?. Who wants to watch a Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake in 3d or any movie for that matter. Everyone will go see it. And that's what is wrong with people and society these days. You can't even watch TV without seeing 5 thousand commercials about LG this and that. Maybe am just in a bad mood. Stuff I don't care about does not normally bother me.
yeah fuck 3D, it looks stupid. HD is good enough for me, film/tv technology does not need to advance beyond that.