The Official Movie Thread

I can't wait to see Cronenberg's new film, Eastern Promises...looks amazing.

I saw a preview for this recently and Naomi Watts is in it so now have to see it for sure. Naomi Watts is so hot.

I might add movies like Goodfellas and Scarface never get old.
I got into a press screening of Eastern Promises. The projector broke 30 minutes in, but it seemed like it was about to take off into coolness (no worries, I got some free tickets as a result).
How does one go about getting into free screenings? I've lways wanted too but have never known how.
Anyone else really like the movie The Island ?

Ewan McGregor and Scarlett Johansson are in it and excellent.
^ That is a really good movie btw

i also have been loving Memoirs of a Geisha...its a beatitful movie, i'd watch it just for the scenery
I watched a German movie called The Lives Of Others last night. It was a rather excellent story about East Germany not long before the wall came down, and the craziness of the secret police trying to control every free thought in the country.
I'm watching Silence of the Lambs
I love Jodi Foster and Anthony Hopkins, they're so talented