The Official Movie Thread

oh god :lol: that part was so creepy, especially the part when he tucked his penis in:zombie:....kind of like krig actually...
So last night was "Zombie Night" in the lounge of my residence hall. Apparently my metalhead friend down the hall has a huge collection of zombie movies. I wasn't much a fan of zombie movies, or horror movies in general, but for the social benefits I decided to tag along with my friends from the 3rd floor.

The first movie we watched was Shaun of the Dead, which I've actually seen before. It's a well-done satire of the general zombie movie formula, as far as I know about them. I like how it builds up slowly, until it's only half way through the film that the main character realizes what's going on. The British humor was very well executed, too. It was worth seeing a second time.

The next movie, which I haven't seen before, was another comedy, Army of Darkness. It's about this guy who gets sent back in time to "dark medieval times" and has to fight a zombie army in order to save the castle and protect the "Necronomicon" that is the only way he can get back to his time. After seeing this movie, I now know where the quote "This, is my BOOMSTICK!" comes from, as well as the closing sound clip to None So Vile. The production was pretty low-budget but that played well into the comedic factor.

It was then time for the main event, at which all the girls mysteriously disappeared from the lounge. We saw a REAL zombie movie, called Dead Alive, directed by Peter Jackson. Seeing this movie has taught me many things. First of all, a good zombie movie is just as funny as it is scary, with gratuitous gore and macabre slapstick. Again, this movie benefited from a slow buildup, leaving you to think "this ain't so bad", and then at last it climaxes into a cinematic bloodbath of epic proportions. This was the goriest movie I have ever seen, and apparently that's arguably an objective statement. Just when I thought it couldn't get any gorier, the main character starts plowing through them with a lawnmower.

Thanks to last night, I am now desensitized to almost anything. Now I see why people like zombie movies so much.
The next movie, which I haven't seen before, was another comedy, Army of Darkness. It's about this guy who gets sent back in time to "dark medieval times" and has to fight a zombie army in order to save the castle and protect the "Necronomicon" that is the only way he can get back to his time. After seeing this movie, I now know where the quote "This, is my BOOMSTICK!" comes from, as well as the closing sound clip to None So Vile. The production was pretty low-budget but that played well into the comedic factor.

You should check out Evil Dead 1 & 2 as well. Evil Dead 2 is my favorite zombie movie ever.
The next movie, which I haven't seen before, was another comedy, Army of Darkness. It's about this guy who gets sent back in time to "dark medieval times" and has to fight a zombie army in order to save the castle and protect the "Necronomicon" that is the only way he can get back to his time. After seeing this movie, I now know where the quote "This, is my BOOMSTICK!" comes from, as well as the closing sound clip to None So Vile. The production was pretty low-budget but that played well into the comedic factor.

I fucking love this movie, its been a favorite for a long time

favorite scene and line: at the end when that ugly devil woman came into his own time and they are s-mart and she's trying to kill him and he just takes the gun and says "Maam, im going to have to ask you to leave the store."

holy shit, endless laughs:lol:
So last night was "Zombie Night" in the lounge of my residence hall.

Zombie movies are cool. I like that zombies live and die by general rules. They are slow. If they bite you, you die and then resurrect as an undead zombie. You have to remove or destroy the head to re-kill them. One time I was watching a zombie flick and was thinking, "what's wrong with these people, don't they know that if they bite you, you will turn into one? Haven't they ever seen a zombie movie?" The thought really amused me.
Zombie movies are cool. I like that zombies live and die by general rules. They are slow. If they bite you, you die and then resurrect as an undead zombie. You have to remove or destroy the head to re-kill them. One time I was watching a zombie flick and was thinking, "what's wrong with these people, don't they know that if they bite you, you will turn into one? Haven't they ever seen a zombie movie?" The thought really amused me.

Fire also repels zombies.

You didn't know this?