The Official Movie Thread

Anyone ever see the movie "Zombie", or worse yet "Zombi 2"?

Horrible pieces of shit, but if you have seen them, then you must be wondering what the answer to this question is too:

If a zombie is walking on the sea-floor and bites a shark, does the shark become a zombie?
Well, the scene in the movie says otherwise - but if it makes you feel better, it was walking on the ocean floor to get to humans that were on an island. It just so happened that a shark got in the zombie's way and then got the shit bit out of it.

My question still remains though!
To be honest, I love Lock Stock...Snatch was good but not nearly as good as Lock Stock....and well, Sexy Beast I didn't like and didn't see why it was so 'great' (and just out of curiosity, I really got a vibe that most of the characters were gay or something or so I seem to remember).
Just finished watching Transformers and I have to say, it was better than I expected. I wouldn't call it a great film, but a good watch. For what it is meant for anyway. Far better than F4: Rise of the Silver Surfer. God what a piece of shit that was.
Fire also repels zombies.

You didn't know this?
It does go against their 'not caring about anything but quenching their appetite' way of doing things actually. I don't think zombies have enough intelligence active in them to tell if they should stay aware from fire.

I wonder what zombies do when they've filled their stomach enough. Take a nap perhaps.
Zombie is actually one of the best zombie flicks and as far as I know have seen all the classics. I originally thought Zombie sucked.
Anyone ever see the movie "Zombie", or worse yet "Zombi 2"?

Horrible pieces of shit, but if you have seen them, then you must be wondering what the answer to this question is too:

If a zombie is walking on the sea-floor and bites a shark, does the shark become a zombie?

Zombie and Zombi 2 are the same flick and you pretty much suck if you don't like that movie.
Well forgetting the 's' is the problem now isn't it?

I haven't seen Zombies but Zombi 2 is easily one of the best zombie movies ever made.

Great film or THE GREATEST FILM? [/colbert]

Saw it for about the eighth time tonight, hypnotized by its brilliance once again... Any fans?
Anyone ever see the movie "Zombie", or worse yet "Zombi 2"?

Horrible pieces of shit, but if you have seen them, then you must be wondering what the answer to this question is too:

If a zombie is walking on the sea-floor and bites a shark, does the shark become a zombie?

DUDE! do NOT mess with fulci. the guy is a genius. granted voodoo zombies are probably the most boring of all the zombie infections.

you need to see the beyond. its fulci's best
saw a bucket of blood last night. pretty disturbing for a 50's B&W flick. basically a bus boy for a pretentious art club kills people and covers them in clay to make his sculptures.

reminded me of susperia lol