The Official Movie Thread

Bought Sinister on DVD today. I loved it when I saw it at the cinema so I'm looking forward to watching it with commentary and shit.
Hardware (1990) - A badass killer robot, songs from PiL, Ministry (although for some reason "Stigmata" plays when a video from GWAR is shown, not sure what that's about) and Motorhead on the soundtrack, Lemmy even plays a cab driver, plus the voice of Iggy Pop as a radio DJ. Pretty much rules.
Death Race 2000 - shitty B-movie goodness. probably had some influence on the Twisted Metal games

Lincoln - found this to be pretty dull. it would of been more enjoyable as a book

Straw Dogs (1971) - really good psychological exploitation film. strong performance by Dustin Hoffman

Threads - bleak BBC film about nuclear war
My friend recommended me Elite Squad after I raved about City of God. It's apparently the same director. They are both brazilian films about government corruption, and the same director will be directing the new RoboCop movie. He's amazing and I admire his work, so looking forward to watching Elite Squad (and the new Robocop when it's out). The sequel is available on Netflix instant watch but I heard nothing but praise for the first one.
Just watched Big Fish again. Easily Tim Burton's best film. The ending always turns me into a wreck.

Also, this.

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