The Official Movie Thread

Yes you would. You don't have to really like the comics to like the movies.

The problem I have with these type of movies is that they are all about action/cgi. Not much for quality storytelling and character development, it's just how fast can we explain the back story of the character, so we can start the actions scenes; which is just a pure cgi bore fest for me. My opinion is, if you've seen one, you've seen them all.
The problem I have with these type of movies is that if you've seen one, you've seen them all.


Hollywood has totally given up on each movie being unique

each new movie is a clone of a previously existing blockbuster movie

Hollywood just makes clones of the blockbusters thinking that each clone will make as much money as the thing it copied
^Yeah it was pretty cool.

Based on the plotline and the ending, I expect that there will be another movie, and it will involve Into Darkness' villain again and the war with the Klingons.
Mini spoiler alert

Just saw the new Stark Trek last night as well. I enjoyed it greatly. Great performances. That blonde chick is fucking sexy. However, and I hope some real Trekkies out there can help me with this, but how is Spock able to chase down and beat the shit out of Khan if Khan is this superior being? I mean sure, anger, fear, and other emotions are powerful and can allow normal people to do extraordinary things, but come on.

In regards to the new Trek movie, I get the feeling that J.J. Abrams will not be the one doing it. I'm sure Disney has some ridiculous contract where Abrams is not allowed to do any other Sci-Fi movie other than Star Wars for the next 10 years, or something. I do think there will be a new Star Trek movie though, probably just not Abrams.

Hollywood has totally given up on each movie being unique

each new movie is a clone of a previously existing blockbuster movie

Hollywood just makes clones of the blockbusters thinking that each clone will make as much money as the thing it copied

especially with the superhero movies

there had been superhero movies before
but this explosion of superhero movies we're seeing now is the result of the First Spiderman movie with Tobey Mcquire breaking box-office records
So, I out Monoxide_Child on ignore, but everyone quotes him so I end up reading half his posts anyways.

Chimaera - MC has a mental disorder. Ignore him.

I watched Silver Linings Playbook last night. Great fucking film. Has all the genre conventions of a romantic comedy and there is this weird almost disturbing aspect of mental disorder. It's creepy at parts.
I dont think Abrams is doing the next one.
Im SO ready for Star Wars!
I hope they dont fuck up Star Trek, im not a massive fan, but the new movies are excellent. I want more Star Trek movies. Bring it on
So, I out Monoxide_Child on ignore, but everyone quotes him so I end up reading half his posts anyways.
Pretty much this.

Bully - (2001) - Oddly enough I re-visit this one right around the time one of the 7 involved in the actual case this was based on is back in the news. Can't believe all that went down 20 years ago, fuck I can't believe this movie is 12 years old already. Time, man. Anyway, total belter of a flick. Even with the fucked up teeth Kelli Garner is still a stunner as a permanently stoned fuck up with those blue streaks in her hair.
Mini spoiler alert

Just saw the new Stark Trek last night as well. I enjoyed it greatly. Great performances. That blonde chick is fucking sexy. However, and I hope some real Trekkies out there can help me with this, but how is Spock able to chase down and beat the shit out of Khan if Khan is this superior being? I mean sure, anger, fear, and other emotions are powerful and can allow normal people to do extraordinary things, but come on.

In regards to the new Trek movie, I get the feeling that J.J. Abrams will not be the one doing it. I'm sure Disney has some ridiculous contract where Abrams is not allowed to do any other Sci-Fi movie other than Star Wars for the next 10 years, or something. I do think there will be a new Star Trek movie though, probably just not Abrams.

Vulcans have superior strength, endurance, all that stuff compared to humans, and anger makes them stronger, so a super-human like Khan versus a pissed-off Vulcan like Spock would be a pretty evenly-matched fight.
Are you actually being serious? How old are you again?
yes i'm serious
list the specific movies you think are better than the Avenvers movie so i can get a better feel for exactly why you didn't like it

i'm 29 years old,

but seriously, my age should not invalidate the contents of my posts or determine whether or not someone answers my questions

Silver Linings Playbook

saw it a few weeks ago
lamest movie mentioned on this thread
Chimaera - MC has a mental disorder. Ignore him.

I would, but he's sort of fascinating.

yes i'm serious
list the specific movies you think are better than the Avenvers movie so i can get a better feel for exactly why you didn't like it

i'm 29 years old,

but seriously, my age should not invalidate the contents of my posts or determine whether or not someone answers my questions

It's a really retarded request. Do you seriously think The Avengers is one of the best movies ever made? I know you're simple but come on. I could list literally hundreds of movies that are objectively better than The Avengers. It's a fun, dumb movie but it's hardly a modern classic.

I was calling you immature. I'm not sure why I'm even responding to you, since you're clearly deluded.