The Official Movie Thread

Why in the fuck would anyone watch a documentary on the Insane Clown Posse? Ever?

there are lots of documentaries about ICP...

but i didn't post any of them

the 2 vids i posted were just movies that had ICP as characters

the 2 vids i posted were

documentaries about ICP can be found here
Marfa Girl (2012) - Larry Clark's new one which he's only released on his website, just pay $5.99 and you can stream it for 24 hours. While I'm totally with him with this anti-Hollywood DIY style of distribution, I'm still an old curmudgeon and am not a streaming fan (yeah yeah get with the times fuck you) and will always prefer psychical media. He could have produced a limited run of DVD's and sold them himself. But anyway, its an interesting film with an even more interesting back story, another one of his variations of a theme type of works. Apparently its the first in a trilogy.
I kind of assumed this but I needed something to do last night and renting from a red box costs $1.20.

Texas Chainsaw - One of the absolute worst movies I've ever saw. I swear it's like they didnt even try at all. Might post spoilers but who the fuck even cares? The first ten minutes of the movie is a recount of the original. Leatherface's family is gunned down/burned alive minus a baby and then you fast forward to the generic as fuck story line of friends going on a road trip. Decide to detour so one friend can go see the house she inherits. (she's the kid, didnt fucking see that coming) Of course Leatherface's 70 year old retard ass is somehow still alive and living in the basement... annnnnd here we go. Special effects are bad (he clearly hammers a rubber dummy at one point) acting is bad... the storyline is retarded and the characters, for the most part are just thrown into the story right before they die and the writers make sure to give you a reason not to like them before they die.

PLEASE never see this, unless you're an extreme masachist. This is right up there with putting a thumbtack in your peehole. I've fucking warned you.

Dark Skies - Oh wow I loved this way more than I expected. This is a very creepy alien abduction movie that actually managed to make the hair on my arm stand up a couple times. I saw the ending coming a mile away but I thoroughly enjoyed this one and I'd happily watch it again.
I kind of assumed this but I needed something to do last night and renting from a red box costs $1.20.

Texas Chainsaw - One of the absolute worst movies I've ever saw. I swear it's like they didnt even try at all. Might post spoilers but who the fuck even cares? The first ten minutes of the movie is a recount of the original. Leatherface's family is gunned down/burned alive minus a baby and then you fast forward to the generic as fuck story line of friends going on a road trip. Decide to detour so one friend can go see the house she inherits. (she's the kid, didnt fucking see that coming) Of course Leatherface's 70 year old retard ass is somehow still alive and living in the basement... annnnnd here we go. Special effects are bad (he clearly hammers a rubber dummy at one point) acting is bad... the storyline is retarded and the characters, for the most part are just thrown into the story right before they die and the writers make sure to give you a reason not to like them before they die.

PLEASE never see this, unless you're an extreme masachist. This is right up there with putting a thumbtack in your peehole. I've fucking warned you.

Dark Skies - Oh wow I loved this way more than I expected. This is a very creepy alien abduction movie that actually managed to make the hair on my arm stand up a couple times. I saw the ending coming a mile away but I thoroughly enjoyed this one and I'd happily watch it again.

Yeah, I saw Texas Chainsaw and it was a generic as fuck horror movie. And yes, Dark Skies was great. Alien abduction movies tend to creep me out more these days than monster/killer movies. Maybe because it's a possible premise??? ;) I saw Dark Skies in the theater and I'm considering buying it now that it's out on DVD.