The Official Movie Thread

^Man of Steel was great. The fight scenes were awesome, and the story was spot-on. It made a lot of sense, and is one of the best movies so far this year.
what was up with the whole "Clark Kent having a beard thing"??

the first freaking image i saw from Man of Steel was the fucking pic of Clark Kent with a beard and i spent months waiting for an expensive special effect showing him shaving his beard with his "heat-vision" eye-lazers, and then yesterday i finnally had a face-2-face convo with someone that had seen the movie and he says they didn't show him melting his beard with the eye lazer at all, they just showed him with a beard in one scene and showed him clean-shaven in the next, wtf was the point of showing him with a beard if they're not going to do the heat-vision shaving thing??

i'm severely disapointed
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Holy fucking shit World War Z was awful. Horrible CGI, Brad Pitt sucked, pulled away from all the violence because it was pg-13, super powered zombies, and shitty premise. That COULDN'T have been worse.
I get a lot of shit for saying this all the time, but I never really thought Brad Pitt was a good actor. He ruined the ending of the movie Se7en for me. :[ Well, looks like I'll be avoiding World War Z... thanks for the heads up!

Edit: Also saw Man of Steel, and though I enjoyed the action parts of it, and liked that they tried to add little bits and pieces of Clark's character like how he's just this boy from Kansas who's basically god, there was something kind of lacking. Maybe the fact that Zod was "too logical" in the sense that he was so predictable, which made for an uninteresting villain. The actor is fantastic, but at the end of the day I think Superman's villains are powerful. So, when you go to see a Superman movie you are going to see action. Not some crazy psychological mind fucks. That's what Batman is for as the villains are in fact crazy.

Anyone a fan of Orson Scott Card's books Ender's Game? I love them and they are making a movie out of them but the trailer to me seems like they got it all wrong. It sorta looks like a cheesy sci-fi movie, which is sad because those books are so good.

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World war z is barely even a zombie movie. It should be titled Brad Pitt Survives a Bunch of Improbable Scenarios.
The Avengers - would be a "cool" film if i was 10 years old. i'm not so other than the Scarlett Johansson boner this was a waste of time. glad i didn't bother seeing it in a theater

Woman in the Dunes - "Are you shoveling sand to live or living to shovel sand?" an interpretation of The Myth of Sisyphus and art house/psychological drama this is one of the best Japanese films I've seen
The Avengers - would be a "cool" film if i was 10 years old. i'm not so other than the Scarlett Johansson boner this was a waste of time. glad i didn't bother seeing it in a theater

the Avengers was not aimed at 10-year-olds

the target audience was the specific 40-year-old comic-book-dork guys that already thought was sexy before they even knew who the fuck Scarlett Johansson was
The Virgin Suicides (1999) - Wasn't expecting this to be as funny as it was. I'm a bit bipolar on the presentation of the sisters though. I get that their supposed to be mysterious but at times I thought Coppola made things a bit too ambiguous. That might sound funny coming from someone who's favorite movie is Lost Highway but we're talking two totally different styles. Still as a whole I really liked it and will probably revist it in the near future.