The Official Movie Thread

Haha...That may be the case...But, Star Trek in my opinion is fucking lame and that movie confirmed it. Star Wars >>>>> Star Trek.

Ehhh, I've always been more of a Trek fan. When I was a kid. I was into it BIG time. As I got older, I lost interest. With all the recent hype again, I've gotten a little more into it again.
Haha...That may be the case...But, Star Trek in my opinion is fucking lame and that movie confirmed it. Star Wars >>>>> Star Trek.

This. Star Trek's tv episodes consist of solving life or death problems logically, without any emotion or drama, and about as anticlimactically as possible. The movies are a little better, but not by much.
Saw The Purge at the weekend. Really cool concept turned into a mediocre home invasion movie. It's also one of the only movies I've seen where they use the classic "Good Guy A is about to be killed by Bad Guy X then Good Guy B appears after being absent from the film for a while and shoots Bad Guy X, saving Good Guy A" a grand total of four times. Seriously?
watched a few movies recently

Jiro Dreams of Sushi --- Really cool documentary. Do not watch this if you love sushi and are hungry. It's really interesting hearing Jiro's philosophies on work and success. They're very applicable to any field.

The Cabin in the Woods --- I feel like since I didn't see this in the theaters, I didn't get the full experience. Also, with everybody shouting, "THERE'S A TWIST!" that ruins the "twist" ending. I thought it was okay at best.

Drive --- Really cool. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Can't wait to see Only God Forgives
Went to the debut of This is the End. I doubt many guys here will like (and for those non north American guys you may not even get the humor if you aren't familiar with the characters) it but I really enjoyed the absurdity of it.

Haha...That may be the case...But, Star Trek in my opinion is fucking lame and that movie confirmed it. Star Wars >>>>> Star Trek.

I hate Star Trek but Star Trek Into Darkness was a good movie.

But still, Star Wars will always and eternally be better than Star Trek.
this guy used to be my roomate

anyone going to watch hunger games sequel??
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So Monoxide

That guy WAS your roommate, what did you do, piss him off and he kicked you out, that is why you are homeless?
So you would rather sleep outside in a cave and collect taxpaying dollars and blow your money on crap when you could use that money to have a place?

Man you need to get your head straight. Seems like your old roommate has his head on straight