The Official Movie Thread

am I the only one who found Oldboy to simply be okay? Everybody I know absolutely jizzes over it. I figured it out halfway through which kind of spoiled the ending. I suppose all of the hype built it up even more for me.
Kinda want to watch the original again now.

Cloud Atlas - A bit overblown. Some cool stuff in it but holy hell.

Young Thugs: Innocent Blood - Early Takashi Miike. Eh. I vastly prefer his more modern stuff. This one could have been cut in half and been just as effective.
am I the only one who found Oldboy to simply be okay? Everybody I know absolutely jizzes over it. I figured it out halfway through which kind of spoiled the ending. I suppose all of the hype built it up even more for me.

Me too.
I really loved Oldboy. I had watched it with a bunch of friends once and they were sitting there trying to guess the movie and ended up guessing the end. That was annoying, because didn't think they enjoyed it as much. Plus, 5 people taking a stab at the end, will probably guess it so it ruins it.

This remake looks bad. Spike Lee is such a cliche and uninteresting director, idk why they choose him to direct this as nothing in his work suggests he'd be good with this. He takes no risks, and has nothing else to say but "racism this" or "racism that." What I really liked about the original Korean one is the way it was shot. Like the fighting scenes were very interesting, the angle of it wasn't a typical fighting scene angle.
I still haven't watched Cloud Atlas :erk: .

Watched Seven Samurai yesterday. It was fucking long and in the end the action scenes started to be a bit too much. The best part for me was finding the samurai. Then it kinda starts to drag. Brilliant movie nevertheless, obviously.

Watched Event Horizon again a couple nights ago. Really like the concept of the movie... that "if hell existed" maybe it would exist in another dimension, outside space. The movie itself is a little cheesy to me though.

Oh and my gf begged me to buy her My Neighbor Totoro... hate to admit it, but I'm really looking forward to watching it myself.

And final thought, anyone here like Jacob's Ladder? I absolutely loved it, but I can hardly get myself to watch it because the ending emotionally devastates me for some reason. Probably because I wish it could be true... but I'll never let myself believe it is.
love Event Horizon. When I first saw it as a kid, it scared the bejeesus out of me. The video log of the former crew still strikes me.

Totoro is such a good movie. All of the studio Ghibli films are just fantastic. My girlfriend and I are working on getting those and most of the Pixar films on blu ray
Totoro is such a good movie. All of the studio Ghibli films are just fantastic. My girlfriend and I are working on getting those and most of the Pixar films on blu ray

Princess Mononoke is the only Studio Ghibli film that I really liked. The rest that I've seen had stellar animation but didn't really do anything for me. I should probably watch more though, as I've only seen a few.
So far most of the 2013 movies I've seen sucked.

- Die Hard whatever number was silly as all fucks.
- Iron Man 3 was alright, probably the best ending the series could have had.
- Odd Thomas was gay as all fucks, a teenager movie. But alright considering what it was i guess. I don't know why I even watched it, don't ask.
- Evil Dead was awesome IMO. It copied some of the scenes from the first movie completely, but added nice looking gore. The characters were dumb but that's what you get in a horror movie. I don't really see what people complain about all the time tbh. I got more than what I expected.
- Europa Report was a really cool sci-fi, didn't see that one coming.
- Trance was alright. That bitch is hot as shit obviously. NAKED SCENE SPOILER. On the other note, the whole hypnosis shit was on border of bullshit. The movie has to unveil the story in such a specific way to keep it interesting that I see it pissed some people off. But it was alright anyway.
- Fast and Furious was silly as a shitload of fucks.
- Lone Ranger was dumb as a bag of shit. I hate these Depp movies. The cabaret humor is nothing for me, who laughs at those jokes? Horse drinking liquour? Ha-ha? The action is cool, obviously, jumping on trains and shit, but get rid of that circus bullshit. Is this for kids???

Gonna watch Killing Season tonight. With De Niro and Travolta.