The Official Movie Thread

Return of the Living Dead 3 (1993) - Now here's a mix you don't see everyday, a full on zombie bloodbath/tragic story of young love with some kinky masochistic and body horror elements thrown in for good measure. The humor of the first and second films is all but gone, which was refreshing. For what the first film was it worked wonders but this is something else entirely. Believe it or not the love story actually works and works well thanks mostly to the amazing Melinda Clarke. Good to know this still holds up (for me at least), feel free to shout blasphemy but its actually my favorite of this series, which, to be honest for me only really includes this and the first one.
Such as? Because Ozymandias' plan made considerably less sense than it did in the book.

things about the Watchmen Movie that were better than the book

-the giant "psychic squid" thing getting turned into an acual bomb

-Dr Manhattan's diologue

-the idea of "nuclear war" getting mentioned verbally by one of the principal characters (Dr Manhattan) instead of us looking at people reading newspapers

-the extranious characters being edited out for a more streamlined, less confusing narrative

-the whole subplot of the "pirates" being edited out

-the scene of rorshach presenting his "mask killer theory" to Adrian Veit is changed to Dan Drieberg talking to Adrian which is done as a giant set-up for the scene at the end where Drieberg beats the shit out of Veit

-in the book, it appears as if Dan is fucking Laurie at the moment Rorshach dies, which actually bothered me before i even knew the movie was being made
in the movie, Nite Owl actually watches Manhattan vaporize Rorshach, Dan, realizing that Manhattan is "totally out to lunch" instantly blames Veit for Rorshach's death and runs in and beats the shit out of Veit, this, when combined with the scene of Dan telling Veit about Rorshach's mask-killer-theory, (instead of Rorshach doing it himself) makes Dan Drieberg a much more 3-D, and much more "human"/sympathetic character than he apears in the book

-in the book, after Rorshach escapes from prison, he returns to his apt to retrieve a "spare face", with a confrontation with his landlord, in the movie, Rorshach's "face" is in the psych doctor's office, and he retrieves his mask before he even sees Dan and Laurie, for me this was a much better-done scene, making Rorshach seem much scari-er than he apears in the comic
You missed the entire fucking point of both the monster and the pirates "subplot" (which isn't really a subplot, fucking Christ).

the monster and the pirates are things that you couldn't have done in a movie, there just wouldn't have been a way to do them in a movie in a way that would have made sence to someone who didn't read the book

a lot of "fanboys" bitch about how "the movie didn't match the book" but, i actually read the dam book before i even knew a movie was being made, and i still stand by my opinion that the book had mistakes that the movie fixed

really, the only thing i didn't like about the movie was how, in the comic, Sally's psychology and lack of sex drive are more obvious, where in the book Hooded Justice and Sally's husband are both completely totally gay, and Sally's a "fag hag" and you realize that Laurie being concieved is the only time that Sally has ever had a penis inside her vagina

this could have easily been verbally explained in the movie by just adding a few more lines to Sally's diologue in the scene at the end where Laurie is confronting her mother about her father's identity
The monster and the pirates weren't "mistakes," and if you think they were then you missed the point. If you think they were too difficult to incorporate into film, then that's a different story; but they definitely weren't mistakes with regard to the comic narrative.
the monster and the pirates are things that you couldn't have done in a movie, there just wouldn't have been a way to do them in a movie in a way that would have made sence to someone who didn't read the book

You're an idiot.

I believe they edited this into the director's cut so don't say anything about it being a separate feature.

On another note, I just found out that Spike Lee is directing the Oldboy remake and Josh Brolin's starring. I suppose it's better than Spielberg and Will Smith but I still wish this remake wasn't being made at all.
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The monster and the pirates weren't "mistakes," and if you think they were then you missed the point. If you think they were too difficult to incorporate into film, then that's a different story; but they definitely weren't mistakes with regard to the comic narrative.

no, no
i was saying 2 different things

you couldn't have put the monster or the pirates in the movie

Alan Moore made a bunch of mistakes that Zack Snyder fixed

i did not mean to say that the monster and the pirates were mistakes in the book
You're an idiot. I believe they edited this into the director's cut so don't say anything about it being a separate feature.

as far as i know, they filmed this as a complete seperate movie and put it as a movie by itself on a completely seperate disk

as it should have been
they could have filmed this quickly and put it a second disk in the box with the first release of the watchmen movie, but to integrate it into the narrative of the movie, it just wouldn't really look good
things about the Watchmen Movie that were better than the book

-the giant "psychic squid" thing getting turned into an acual bomb

-Dr Manhattan's diologue

-the idea of "nuclear war" getting mentioned verbally by one of the principal characters (Dr Manhattan) instead of us looking at people reading newspapers

-the extranious characters being edited out for a more streamlined, less confusing narrative

-the whole subplot of the "pirates" being edited out

-the scene of rorshach presenting his "mask killer theory" to Adrian Veit is changed to Dan Drieberg talking to Adrian which is done as a giant set-up for the scene at the end where Drieberg beats the shit out of Veit

-in the book, it appears as if Dan is fucking Laurie at the moment Rorshach dies, which actually bothered me before i even knew the movie was being made
in the movie, Nite Owl actually watches Manhattan vaporize Rorshach, Dan, realizing that Manhattan is "totally out to lunch" instantly blames Veit for Rorshach's death and runs in and beats the shit out of Veit, this, when combined with the scene of Dan telling Veit about Rorshach's mask-killer-theory, (instead of Rorshach doing it himself) makes Dan Drieberg a much more 3-D, and much more "human"/sympathetic character than he apears in the book

-in the book, after Rorshach escapes from prison, he returns to his apt to retrieve a "spare face", with a confrontation with his landlord, in the movie, Rorshach's "face" is in the psych doctor's office, and he retrieves his mask before he even sees Dan and Laurie, for me this was a much better-done scene, making Rorshach seem much scari-er than he apears in the comic

the scene where Roy Chess tries to kill Veit is done better in the movie than the book
So, I bought this 50 Horror Classics DVD box thing from Walmart last week (a re-purchase because some dickhead never gave back my original) and dove into it a bit last night. I watched this last night which was surprisingly pretty creepy for a hokey 1962 film:
Carnival of Souls is a flippin' classic!


Leading lady Candace Hilligoss was quite the looker back then. Those eyes, man.
Carnival of Souls is a flippin' classic!


Leading lady Candace Hilligoss was quite the looker back then. Those eyes, man.

Yeah dude! I was pleasantly surprised to say the least since the first 10-15 minutes are so awful.

And not to sound like a lesbo or anything, but I agree with your comments regarding Candace. She was a true classic beauty.