The Official Movie Thread

There's a few funny parts here and there but the absurd almost slapstick he brought to the table can't be matched. Fair warning, its more of a proper horror movie now and liable to make you a bit queasy.

I feel I should point out the fact that the original was supposed to be a straight up horror. It only came across as a comedy due to the low budget and inexperience of the crew. They realised that people like the comedy aspects and ran with it in the sequels. I haven't seen it yet as it's not out over here till the 18th, but, as it's a remake of the original and is not related to the sequels, it seems like the serious horror movie that they wanted to make in the first place. You'll probably tear this argument apart, but I thought I'd add my two cents.
I feel I should point out the fact that the original was supposed to be a straight up horror. It only came across as a comedy due to the low budget and inexperience of the crew. They realised that people like the comedy aspects and ran with it in the sequels. I haven't seen it yet as it's not out over here till the 18th, but, as it's a remake of the original and is not related to the sequels, it seems like the serious horror movie that they wanted to make in the first place. You'll probably tear this argument apart, but I thought I'd add my two cents.

Yeah I was confused by his interpretation of the original film. I rewatched it recently(thanks Netflix) and haven't seen it in awhile, really appreciated the true horror style in the film. I don't want it to be slapstick/b movie horror without Bruce Campbell
Heh I was sleepy when I wrote that. I understand the first was probably meant to be serious but it didn't turn out that way, its true. But the unintentional sillyness is what made me really love the movie. It's absent here and I suppose I should have known it would be. Still the new Evil Dead was a fun movie even if I thought the last twenty minutes or so seemed like they wrote themselves into a corner or something.

Personally my favorite is the second then army of darkness then the original. When Bruce starts losing his shit and the cabin itself comes alive is my favorite scene in all the movies.
watched Cosmopolis last night. What a let down. I'm a big Cronenberg fan, and the trailer made it seem like he was getting back to his 80's schtick. Unfortunately, it was a bunch of pseudo philosophical wankery about the connection between money and violence.
One day soon I'm going to rewatch Cosmopolis again as part of a marathon with Naked Lunchand eXistenZ as I found it to have a bit in common with those two, the later especially if you look at Pattinson's character creating a sort of artificial reality for himself inside the limo.

Its easily Cronenberg's most polarizing film since Crash which is quite the achievement. Just like that film I don't think any other filmmaker could have touched that material. Some of the reviews on YouTube are hilarious, and I do get a kick out of the fact that some Twlight tweens are going to watch it just for Pattinson only to have their brains totally fried.
I actually thought Pattinson was good in it. Just the whole meandering aspect, which is one of the central motifs in the movie, really bored me. I wanted more violence and action.

I would put this up there with Spider as the "meh" Cronenberg films
The entire cast was great, the exchange between Pattinson and Giamatti towards the end is fantastic and fucking hell Sarah Gadon is mouthwatering.

King of New York (1990) - A Ferrara/Walken classic. Laurence Fishburne chews scenery with ease. Him and Walken combined is a total overload of charisma. Great Schooly D tunes on the soundtrack as well if you're into early 90's rap. "ROOM SERVICE MUTHAFUCKAZ!"
I have the first two Evil Dead movies on VHS tape somewhere and probably have no idea where they are right now, but I have no desire to see the remake.
Finally ended up watching Dark City (1998) in its entirety after a number of failed attempts and was blown away. I didn't like it much until about halfway through when everything fell into place and it all made sense - as a fan of Mystery, Noir and Cyberpunk, it was all fused to great effect.

Also watched Videodrome which was my first Cronenberg film, very cool and out there, as expected. Looking forward to watching the rest of his stuff.
the 9th Gate and Valhalla Rising, while both awesome movies, are completely different from each other except for the religion issue.

Umodian -- did you watch the director's cut of Dark City? It's a little bit better. My god some of the shots in that movie are just beautiful. Plus Jennifer Connelly in her prime
Umodian -- did you watch the director's cut of Dark City? It's a little bit better. My god some of the shots in that movie are just beautiful. Plus Jennifer Connelly in her prime
Yes I did, and you've got that right, she's definitely... she's not ugly!
I thought it was done pretty well, my buddy bought the comic for me to read a few a months before the release, I only read the first couple chapters, and after that just sort of looked at the pictures and skimmed my way through. I'm not into comic books, but from what I gathered it was pretty well done for a comic book movie. In fact, it's the only comic book movie I ever was waiting for it to be released. I find all the rest, Transformers, Spiderman, Captain America... Cheese. Just movies with a lot of CGI to make up for a week story and week story telling.

Just one's a opinion of course.

i actually thought the movie was a hell of alot better than the book

the spots where the movie was different than the book, IMO looked to me like Alan Moore had made a bunch of mistakes and that Zack Snyder had fixed them
the spots where the movie was different than the book, IMO looked to me like Alan Moore had made a bunch of mistakes and that Zack Snyder had fixed them

Such as? Because Ozymandias' plan made considerably less sense than it did in the book.

Anyone else looking forward to this? After Drive, any collaboration with Ryan Gosling and Nicolas Winding Refn instantly makes my list of must watch movies.

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Lincoln - Slooow. Wasn't expecting an action epic but politics bore me so yeah. Daniel Day-Lewis did awesome as expected.

Killing Them Softly - Pretty good. Premise was cool but still kind of chewing on it to decide how much I liked it.

still looks like a lame teen movie, maybe only slightly better
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Didn't like Killing Them Softly at all. Felt cheated out of my 1.24 rental fee. Watched Scary Movie 5 over the weekend. Stupid, but still worth a few laughs. What's that? My penis.

Also watched
The Collection - really gory thriller with an impossibly intelligent/prepared villain that's kill count had to be in the hundreds but it was fun and had a satisfying ending.
The Thompson's - some boring vampire shit my gf wanted to watch. Lost interest quickly.
Children of the corn - the original. Seen it ten times but always worth watching... The sequels, eh.