The Official Movie Thread

You are very needy.
That statement is overwhelmingly accurate.
fuck "original screenplays", i'm waiting for

the next Star Trek movie

the next Star Wars movie

the next GI Joe movie

the next Transformers movie

and these movies

but seriously
isn't anyone interested in any of the movies i posted??
Incendies - far fetched plot. good storytelling and acting

Gattaca - cool concept but poorly executed. i really like the first half of the film but the second half goes nowhere
Been watching a bunch of classics with the ladyfriend, slowly making her a cinephile. We just watched The Shining last night. Now, I hadn't seen it since I was 17 or so and always kind of considered it 2nd tier Kubrick; but fuck that, it's a masterpiece.
We just watched The Shining last night. Now, I hadn't seen it since I was 17 or so and always kind of considered it 2nd tier Kubrick; but fuck that, it's a masterpiece.
Indeed it is, totally deserving of it's reputation. There's an ominous feeling hovering over every frame of that film so it's uncomfortable long before the shit hits the fan.

Also I try not to spam with my own shit but I posted this yesterday and am quite proud of it, although it probably won't appeal to anyone who isn't into weird arthouse/cult films:
The man himself William Friedkin has a book coming out next month so pre-order that shit now: [ame][/ame]

Will no doubt be a great read.
Watched The Proposition last night from Ein's recommendation, pretty solid western and Guy Pearce is a great actor if I say so myself!
I have mixed opinions on the Watchmen movie. On one hand, it's the best adaption of Alan Moore's work to date. On the other, it's just proof that Watchmen is unfilmable. It was a decent attempt but it doesn't come close to capturing what was made the comic so amazing. They also shouldn't have changed the ending.
I have mixed opinions on the Watchmen movie. On one hand, it's the best adaption of Alan Moore's work to date. On the other, it's just proof that Watchmen is unfilmable. It was a decent attempt but it doesn't come close to capturing what was made the comic so amazing. They also shouldn't have changed the ending.

I thought it was done pretty well, my buddy bought the comic for me to read a few a months before the release, I only read the first couple chapters, and after that just sort of looked at the pictures and skimmed my way through. I'm not into comic books, but from what I gathered it was pretty well done for a comic book movie. In fact, it's the only comic book movie I ever was waiting for it to be released. I find all the rest, Transformers, Spiderman, Captain America... Cheese. Just movies with a lot of CGI to make up for a week story and week story telling.

Just one's a opinion of course.