The Official Movie Thread

Anyone else think Skyfall was too long? It was alright but seemed to drag.

Yes. Personally, I like a good hour and a half long movie. I have shit to do, and some times a 2 hour +/- movie... I just don't have the time for.

Anyone else heard of Air Force One? Just watched it this morning, I had a bit of insomnia before work, so I watched this movie. It's one of my favorite movies, yet no one I know, has ever heard of it!? So weird.
Are you actually excited for that?

not even close, i actually think it's pretty freaking amazing that Stephanie meyer actually managed to write something that has absolutely nothing to do with the lame-ass twilight sparkling-vampires, but this movie's still prolly gonna be a chick flick

i'm waiting for GI Joe sequel and Transformers 4
So I'm sorta excited for Star Trek: Into Darkness, but deep down I know it's most likely gonna be very subpar, and an excuse for J.J. Abrams to wank all over the Star Trek name. I feel fucking dirty for liking Star Trek 2009.
Dr Strangelove - mandatory satirical film. there are still a few Kubrick films i have not seen from the 50s-60s but everything i've seen has been of exceptional quality.

Boogie Nights - this was okay. good acting but the story was too dramatic. i understand that the film takes place in the late 70s and early 80s but the constant very loud soundtrack got on my nerves after awhile. the only film i've really enjoyed from Paul Thomas Anderson was The Will Be Blood.

50/50 - quirky feelgood drama. i got a few lols out of it so it was worth seeing
Dr. Strangelove is one of the best cinematic satires ever. I laugh so hard every time I watch it. I'm taking a course on Kubrick this semester, and we discussed the film not as a commentary on cold war anxiety (which it obviously is) but as a sex farce. Which, in my opinion, is way more entertaining. :cool:
I feel fucking dirty for liking Star Trek 2009.

my earliest really vivid memory is my mom being trekkie from the 60's show/movies with Shatner, my mom getting really exited-all-to-hell about the existence of a new show called "Star Trek the Next Generation" and me sitting on my mom's lap with the 2 of us exitedly/intently watching the very first braodcast of "Encounter at Farpoint" with my older sister telling us that we're totally crazy for getting so ridiculously exited about "a stupid sci-fi show"

having said that
i honestly personnally liked the 2009 Star Trek movie a hell of a lot better than anything with Shatner's Kirk in it
Just watched Primer again tonight; such a great film.

Preparing for my pre-screening of Upstream Color at The Brattle this Tuesday. There's a rumor that Shane Carruth might be there...
The Neighbor No. 13 - Okay Japanese horror. Not in the style of Ringu. Not sure why the Japanese are portrayed as so easily defeated in their movies, especially in the samurai ones. Plus it seems every one I watch ends with a cheesy ballad to start the credits.
Is it just me or does Jim Carey look/sound fucking badass in Kickass 2

Can't wait!
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Saw Shane Carruth's Upstream Color last night at The Brattle in Cambridge. He showed up to answer questions afterwards; such a fucking good movie. Very different than Primer, both conceptually and formally.