The Official Movie Thread

Anyone see Anchorman 2 yet? I thought it sucked donkey balls

I wanna know about the 2.nd hobbit movie.
The book sucked in the middle - hobbit and dwarfs lost in the woods or something... wonder if that's the movie too...
And the 3D thing - is it a must for this movie??
I didn't see Anchorman 2 yet but it doesn't look good from previews.

Re: Hobbit, 3D is not a must. There are a lot of unnecessary "trippy" visual effects and the whole thing feels like a 3 hour long video game commercial, but I enjoyed it. I have my complaints but I will need to see it again and reread the book before voicing them.
Mathiäs;10746811 said:
Hunger Games was alright. Since I haven't read the books I can't say whether or not it followed the story but holy shit it was long af.
The book was first-person from katniss POV and the movie showed a huge-ass amount of stuff that katniss coulnt possibly have seen, but other than that i think it followed the book pretty closely
The problem is how it's supposed to be original but it's basically The Running Man + Battle Royale.

battle royale is a rip-off of lord of the flies

hunger games is a rip-off off a bunch of shit that's NOT battle royale
Most obviously an X-Men comic from 1985
I didn't see Anchorman 2 yet but it doesn't look good from previews.

Re: Hobbit, 3D is not a must. There are a lot of unnecessary "trippy" visual effects and the whole thing feels like a 3 hour long video game commercial, but I enjoyed it. I have my complaints but I will need to see it again and reread the book before voicing them.

Must have deviated much from the book then.
3 hour long huh - asshurt.
Everyone should watch Jagten(fancy a) / The Hunt from last year, pretty damn awesome drama flick. It's Danish and the copy I had had shitty subtitles but still able to watch/comprehend and it was great.

Prisoners was gay, anyone else see this? Steals from The Vanishing but makes it longer and not as good.
Re: Hobbit, 3D is not a must. There are a lot of unnecessary "trippy" visual effects and the whole thing feels like a 3 hour long video game commercial, but I enjoyed it. I have my complaints but I will need to see it again and reread the book before voicing them.

The book is dull and the movie is worse. A couple of good scenes, most notably the last scene when Gandalf enters Dol Guldur. Overall it was as terrible as the first Hobbit movie. There's no reason that one book, that isn't that long to begin with, should be split into three movies.

I read nearly every Tolkien work, I've always thought the Hobbit was one of his worst.
Just watched Blackfish. Some of the SeaWorld representatives claimed that the animals like being in captivity and that they're happy.

That's the same thing white people used to say about African slaves. In fact, some people are still saying that. Sometimes I really dislike people.
Mathiäs;10764157 said:
The book is dull and the movie is worse. A couple of good scenes, most notably the last scene when Gandalf enters Dol Guldur. Overall it was as terrible as the first Hobbit movie. There's no reason that one book, that isn't that long to begin with, should be split into three movies.

I read nearly every Tolkien work, I've always thought the Hobbit was one of his worst.

The movie reviews i read all said the second hobbit movie was way way better than the first
yeah Blackfish was pretty damning stuff. My girlfriend wanted to go to SeaWorld, and I said, "Hey let's watch this first." I've never really been okay with zoo's either
Saw Hobbit tonight. First time going to a real movie theater in 13 months. It was cool visually and aesthetically but ultimately it was kind of stupid. So there's these giant beastly ogres but they can't fight for shit and can't even kill a single dwarf or hobbit? I mean it gets pretty boring when you realize after the first fight scene that these guys are basically just there to die to whomever they happen to fight. Same thing for the dragon. It's super badass looking and even has a rad intelligent-villan personality, but then it can't fight for shit. I've never read Tolkein before, but if the books are this dull.

Personally I think they should just veer from the books for the third movie. I'm sure the dragon dies and the orges get put in their place, but instead they should just have the dragon roast all these lame ass dwarves and scorch the human village to the ground.
Watched two miserable failures tonight.

You're Next - kind of hoped this would be like the strangers. It was not and predictable and really bad. Also, wouldn't a crossbow bolt deflect on impact with glass, even if it broke it?

Kickass 2 - what the fuck was this? Seemed rushed and incomplete somehow and the little special effects sucked. This was a labor to sit through.

Other recent watches

Elysium - was pretty cool but it all seemed to... Easy maybe? And where the hell did the droids go once Damon reached Elsyium? The villain, Chuck Norris lite was also fairly boring and somehow ate a grenade to the face that didn't damage his brain.

Insidious 2 - nothing really interesting or offensive here. Standard ghost story nowadays.