The Official Movie Thread

I watched Out Of The Furnace today and it was pretty lame and boring. It's a shame because I really like Woody Harrelson, Forest Whitaker and William Dafoe. And they were all good. The problem was the script, the story that's been used a million times before. The characters were all kind of derivative etc etc.


EDIT: Also, Christian Bale's character was all feely-touchy and his brother was kinda dumb and pretty much deserved to die.
Dallas Buyers Club was pretty cool. McConaughey has really turned his career in a positive direction, he's done like a streak of 5-6 really good films.

Thought 12 Years A Slave wasn't much to write home about. Maybe I am missing something, I dunno, just not too interested in seeing how bad white people are, again.

Did you guys see Nebraska? Thought it was an OK story, but didn't really care for Will Forte's character but nothing amazing. I think Wolf of Wall street was the best film on the nominated list, but I havent seen Philomena and Her yet.
Watched first Hunger Games yesterday. It was unbelievably dumb. I know it's a movie about teenagers for teenagers, but it also looked like it was written by a teenager. The girl is sexy, obviously, but everything else was pretty horrid. The idea itself has a potential for a good action flick but nah. (Mind you I haven't seen the Japanese movie everyone talks about in the context).

And the costumes? Is this fucking Tim shitty Burton ffs.

EDIT: Rated it 2/5 btw.
Hunger Games had potential to be good, but it is not. It is all watered down and the teenage vibe it has is not very cool either, the only thing I liked about the movie was Elizabeth Banks. I could tell it was her. And Woody Harrelson. A lot of the times I found it hard to sit through. It should have been really cool.
So I'm watching the second Hunger Games now. It's just as stupid as the first one. It's rated higher because for a while it actually deals with the more interesting stuff such as the whole rebellion thing and such but then they somehow get to the games themselves and I don't even understand it at this point.

All the people are against the games and shit but then they start killing each other and they now have old people there too so this dude had to carry a granny around until she sacrificed herself in deadly poisonous fog.
Did you guys see Nebraska? Thought it was an OK story, but didn't really care for Will Forte's character but nothing amazing.

Just finished this like 1 hour ago. Thought it was pretty good, not much to complaint over. Not too many surprises plotwise either though. I didn't hate Will Forte's character as much as I had thought I would, so that's good. And Bruce Dern is always a pleasure to watch.

Ps. You should watch Her. It was very good- I might even rate it about as high as Being John Malkovich, which is another Jonze film I really dig.
Really looking forward to this, as I love the first film. It looks like more of the same, but that's hardly a bad thing.

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Yeah looking forward to that too. One of the comic book adaptations without the whole american super-hero bullshit. Even fucking Man of Steel sucked. Just fuck off with superhero crap already, dear Amruca.
Ha, I'm all about resurrecting Salvador Dali and Mr. Welles.

The documentary looks like it'd be a fun watch though. Jodorowsky worked on the film for about three years and had to scrap the entire project. Blows.