The Official Movie Thread

Despite it being horribly inaccurate it wasn't bad. I don't get why they changed so much shit when the story is interesting by itself.
If I were to judge any of those films on historical accuracy, I would not even bother watching them. In fact, look at how poorly executed was the movie Alexander, which wrongheadedly made an effort of being faithful to the already romanticized ancient sources.
Pretty much all of the reliable Hellenistic sources are lost, so we have to rely on writers from the Roman period who are less critical of the material. Arrian seems the best authority on Alexander, especially as a military historian who idolizes Xenophon.
The original Hellenistic sources include many eyewitness sources written by Alexander's top staff, such as Ptolemy I. A pity they're all lost now.

Or are you simply anti-historicism/historiography?
Any of you gents see Inside Llewyn Davis? interested in hearing your opinions it, not sure I understood/get what the movie is

It's basically about a struggling guitarist in the early folk scene. Not overly uplifting which is how the Coen's have made the film - a real melancholic feel, lots of dark/sepia colours and no huge resolution in the end.

It was a well made movie and the acting was very good, but overall I thought it was fairly boring and would rate it average.

(**edit** I still think the best Coen's brother's movie is Fargo)
It's basically about a struggling guitarist in the early folk scene. Not overly uplifting which is how the Coen's have made the film - a real melancholic feel, lots of dark/sepia colours and no huge resolution in the end.

It was a well made movie and the acting was very good, but overall I thought it was fairly boring and would rate it average.

(**edit** I still think the best Coen's brother's movie is Fargo)


Well I understand that, in its simplicity, but I was curios as to what they were trying to suggest or have a meaning too. Why mention something like his son who he thought was aborted but now living? I don't get why this was mentioned in the context of the story.
So the new 300 movie disappointed me. I knew it wouldn't be as good as the original, and I was trying REAL hard not to use historical accuracy as a criterion for judging this film, but they fucked so much with what was already a pretty damn good story, at least as Herodotus tells it. It focused far too long on the Battle of Artemisium (the sea battle concurrent with Thermopylae) so that they basically whipped through the burning of Athens and did a rush job on the Battle of Salamis, which was supposed to be the most important battle in the whole war (which had a strategy on the Greek side remarkably similar to that of Thermopylae).

Now Eva Green is hot stuff, but her role in the film was pretty much to sell her body. They only sent Queen Cersei-I mean-Gorgo at the very end as a weak apology for how sexist the use of female characters in the film really was.

All the characters were one-dimensional, underdeveloped, and/or recycled from the last film. Even Themistocles seemed pretty flat, making it look like he engineered the plot of the entire film flawlessly.

But then again, my academic specialties may be getting in the way of my appreciation of the film. I did enjoy the first film a lot, which coincidentally kept a lot closer to the historical narrative.
so it's typical for Eva Green then? Sweet. She has one movie where she's basically topless the whole time. I forget what it is called, but it's about her being in a polamorous relationship with two guys
Sex scenes are like 99% of the time pointless and just there for us dudes to enjoy.

Well the problem is that this scene was trying to be more than pointless. Usually when the female villain uses sex to seduce the good guy and make him a traitor, they either bang and she succeeds, or the good guy refuses to bang and thus doesn't betray his cause. In this movie they bang, and yet the good guy still refuses to join her side.
I don't know why anyone looks at 300 and think it is going to be a good film. It's pure hollywood movie trash and the fact that this is getting like 25 replies is bananas!
I'm having my Rhetoric class read the graphic novel and watch the films as part of our next reading unit this semester. We'll compare modern portrayals of ancient cultures and events to depictions by ancient historians in order to analyze modes of storytelling and how they reflect the authors' values and aims. Using trashy Hollywood flicks is a good way to keep the attention of a college freshman.