The Official Movie Thread

So I had the misfortune of watching Unfriended last night. If you need justification for why every shitty horror remake exists, watch that movie. Hard to watch, annoying every step of the way and just ugly to look at in the worst possible way. If you want to watch a teenager fuck around on their computer for an hour and a half this might be for you. Just absolutely horrible and I wouldn't watch it again under threat of torture.
I've always considered 3 Women to be the last in a loose "psychotic women" trilogy of sorts along with Altman's That Cold Day In the Park (1969) and Images (1972). All three are very different films but if you were to watch all three back to back it'd make for a great marathon. Images in particular is one of his masterpieces. Susannah York is amazing as is Sandy Dennis in Cold Day.

Definitely sounds right up my alley. Will be checking all three of those movies out.

Last night I watched Goodbye Mommy, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The ending was completely unexpected. I guess this falls under horror/thriller but I didn't really find this movie that scary. It was a bit creepy at first, but I guess the quietness/emptiness of the film felt more creepy than anything else. I read somewhere it was compared to another film, The Babadook, which I guess in hindsight the two films are similar depending on how you interpret the Badadook, but Goodbye Mommy goes further.

Thought this might be of interest here. The BFI's Sight & Sound magazine's October issue is all about "the female gaze" with the centerpiece being 100 overlooked films directed by women. There's some other neat features in there as well, the biggest one for me being the write-up on female directors in the horror genre by Virginie Sélavy of the very cool Electric Sheep.

If you like your movies bleak then seek out Takashi Ishii's 2013 sadomasochistic psychological trauma drama Sweet Whip which I just so happened to cover here :cool: Seriously though, its a downer of a film, one that'll have you staring at the wall in the fetal position once its over. One of the best films in recent memory.
Watched The Eagle for the second time. Decent story, but not done incredibly well. Anyone know of any good movies that take place in Europe in the roman or earlier times? I love how northern/western europe were barbaric backwoods of the time.

Thought this might be of interest here. The BFI's Sight & Sound magazine's October issue is all about "the female gaze" with the centerpiece being 100 overlooked films directed by women. There's some other neat features in there as well, the biggest one for me being the write-up on female directors in the horror genre by Virginie Sélavy of the very cool Electric Sheep.

If you like your movies bleak then seek out Takashi Ishii's 2013 sadomasochistic psychological trauma drama Sweet Whip which I just so happened to cover here :cool: Seriously though, its a downer of a film, one that'll have you staring at the wall in the fetal position once its over. One of the best films in recent memory.

How does one tell what is worth watching?
Saw Slither the other night. Best horror I've seen in ages.

One of the better newer horror movies. It's funny also and there's a nice ass shot of Elizabeth Banks. That's not why I like the movie. I'm an oldschool horror fan and do not tend to like newer horror movies, but the movie was really good.
The ad/trailer for Burnt is so hilarious to me. Hollywood has scraped through the bottom of the barrel and is working on thr floor beneath it.
Black Mass was an enjoyable gangster flick. strong performance by Johnny Depp
Interesting^ I'll definitely be checking that out.

This is a favourite of mine, watching it for the first time in ages, on a sidenote does anybody here collect film posters?

Black Mass was good, but it could have been better. I would not say it had the same effect on me as Goodfellas,Carlito's Way,Scarface,Casino.
Yeah, I thought Black Mass was rather disappointing; it suffered from poor writing and editing. Totally banking on the recent press regarding Bulger's arrest.

I'm extremely excited about this film, although I'll have to find someone other than my wife to go with me (she isn't a fan of "weird movies"):

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