The Official Movie Thread

Demonlover was ok, it's a bit like if Shane Carruth tried to make Videodrome. I'm not a fan of him, so yeah. Meh. It had promise but was a bit too existentialist.
@no country and @tagradh:

Definitely give it a chance whenever you have some time. I do understand it starts out a little weird (with the naked men) but it does help to build that small towny relationship that'll follow through the plot. It's not typically my cup of tea either but brilliant film.

I watched Persona (1966 directed by Ingmar Bergman) a few weeks ago, and all I have to say is if you have the slightest interest in psychology see this movie. It's the story of two women (a patient and a nurse). The patient is mute and the nurse takes care of her but then her personality starts melding with the mute woman's.

Edit: Random but has anyone seen Straight Outta Compton? I'm thinking of seeing this tonight..
I like the way most people in this thread seem mentally capable of watching the films of yesteryear without going into a spastic fit.
I like the way most people in this thread seem mentally capable of watching the films of yesteryear without going into a spastic fit.
God forbid the director doesn't change the shot every 10 seconds.

Persona is a truly amazing film. Its one of those movies that affects the rest of your day. Challenging, draining and brilliant. My favorite Bergman.
Mothman Prophecies was very well put together but ultimately a bit hollow. There isn't much going on other than reasonably well done suspense and shock effects and music.
I cannot fucking sleep, stressed out beyond all reason...

Amityville II is so great. Easily the best in the franchise and legitimately eerie in a perverted way.

Not sure if anyone cares but I just have to vent about this. I'm currently committing genocide on my brain cells listening to this joke of a horror podcast consisting of jackass hipsters musing on cannibal films:

Pure retardation in an recorded audio format. You'd think you might want to do a little research about the subject of your show, like actually watching the documentary that you namedrop during the show or at least reading a fucking Wikipedia article on cannibal films?

Fuck that, lets just spew blatant misinformation and whine about the films content. I'm about ready to throw in the towel. How long can you last listening to this bullshit?
God forbid the director doesn't change the shot every 10 seconds.

Persona is a truly amazing film. Its one of those movies that affects the rest of your day. Challenging, draining and brilliant. My favorite Bergman.

Seriously. I have actually a ton to say/questions about Persona.

Liv Ullman did a fantastic job with acting, and she didn't even have any dialogue. Bibi Andersson was amazing too...

Spoiler Alert:

There was one thing which I felt was weird, though. When Elisabeth's husband comes and Alma pretends to be Elisabeth around him, why/how didn't he realize it wasn't actually Elisabeth? Was he just so relieved/happy to get any sort of love from Elisabeth to care that it actually wasn't her? I found it interesting they choose to show him with sunglasses on I'm sure that hints to him not being able to see (maybe not literally but figuratively).

Also that scene where Alma narrates the story about the boys on the beach, was so vivid that you could actually picture it happening. So much tension there that created a really heavy atmosphere. I also saw this movie with a high school acquaintance who wanted to be a nun, so I felt pretty damn awkward during this.

Anyways, brilliant film for sure.
Have you ever written anything about the third world/cannibal genre?
Not yet. Not that I'd have anything really relevant to say but I think at this point it'd be a bit redundant don't you think? I mean, Cannibal Holocaust has been discussed to death pretty much since its release and even the slightly more obscure titles at least have some sort of name recognition.

My favorite of all those films is Sergio Martino's Mountain of the Cannibal God (1978). Starts off like a relatively normal adventure type film then the third act starts and it goes off the rails into whathefuckville?!

Cannibal Holocaust is truly brilliant though and deserves every bit of its reputation.